Sleepless Nights

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Author- it's 5am I cant sleep again so here you go

Lisa POV
Saturday July 15th 2022

I sigh for the thousandth time as I toss around in my bed.

Another night without sleep.. I think as I adjust my blanket to sit up. I peek over at my girlfriend; making sure I don't wake her.

She looks peaceful as ever when she sleeps. Her little dumpling cheeks and long lashes. Her thin lips and the slow rise and fall of her chest somehow gives me peace of mind.

Not enough to help my own struggle however...

I rise from the bed slowly, careful not to disrupt the sleeping beauty still curled up in the blankets.

I kiss her cheek gently and quietly tiptoe outside, heading down the hall and into the bathroom.

I splash some water on my face and stare in the mirror.

I try on a toothy smile but drop it almost instantaneously as I frown, dissatisfied with the outcome.

Deciding not to try anymore for fear of the frustration it will bring out, I leave the bathroom quietly and move into the living room.

Flailing my body into the couch I turn on the tv and put a random show on Netflix.

I stare up at the ceiling with a blank look. Not thinking of much. Just staring into space.

I don't remember falling asleep or even closing my eyes. But what I do know is I'm being shaken awake after what seems like such a short amount of time, and being greeted by a pair of worry filled dark brown eyes.

"Oh uhm... morning Jen" I manage to slur feeling somewhat half asleep.

"Try afternoon babe...why are you out here?" She says slowly stroking my blonde locks.

I try to respond but all that comes out is a long yawn

"Come on sleepy, lets get you in a real bed" she says making me stand and leading me back to the bedroom.

She tucks me into bed and lays beside me, guiding my head to her shoulder she starts speaking again.

"You haven't been sleeping well at night lately baby, I can tell" she begins tracing small patterns on my back.

"Just haven't felt tired..." I slur, although that's true I've also just been overthinking a lot, but I wasn't going to tell her that...I don't want her worrying anymore.

"I know there's got to be more to it then that. But I won't press, Just try and get some sleep okay lili?" She kisses the top of my head, making me smile, and that's all I remember before I drifted off again.

This has been happening for the past few days, I'll get up late at night after failing to sleep, hang out in the living room and she comes and gets me at god knows what time.

I love this girl more than anything, she's always there for me when I need her whether it's when I need a shoulder, or just when I can't sleep at night..

I don't think I ever want the sleepless nights to end, as long as they continue on as me getting extra cuddling time from my girl.

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