My Shy Little Star (2)

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I am so sorry *nervous laughter*

As we left class Lisa was blushing so hard there was no point in her even TRYING to deny it. She was embarrassed, I could tell. But she did so well I couldn't help but praise her the whole way to our next class; Dance.

Something I personally have struggled with for SO long

(Lol same sis, I've seen 8-year-olds that dance better than me...Ya girl is 15 *cries in BlackPink)

I was a little nervous because our previous assignment was to learn a choreography and perform it for the class today... I mean, I did it, but I'm not sure about performing it. I'm so nervous I could just ditch class and run to the nearest ice cream shop to eat my nerves away. But sadly I can't, so I sucked it up and went into the practice room

"Sorry, I'm late Miss Im" I bowed in apology at the teacher. I'm technically only like 30 seconds late, but some teachers take that a little too seriosly.

"You're fine Miss Kim, only a few seconds. Take a seat with your group and wait your turn for the performance, I hope you all practiced hard" She turned away to the group performing first,

"Tzuyu, BamBam, Mia, Karina, and Jongin, you all are first. Prepare yourselves and let me know when you're ready" She said before walking away to the sound system at the side of the room

(This is this group's dance, Just use your imagination with who is who P.S. Sorry i couldn't put the actual video up. I couldn't figure out how)

-After the dance everyone claps and the group sits-

"Very nice everyone, okay next we have Sana, Momo, Lisa, Jennie, and Chae-young"

(Lisa is the middle. everyone else just get creative)

"OKAY Very nice girls! I see some improvement there Jennie-ssi, keep up the good work yes?" Ms. Im praised, which we all bow in thanks to her before sitting down to watch the next group perform.

I think i did pretty good out there to. But dear god! Lisa out there? She just COMPLETELY switched personalities there i swear! Where did my shy, not wanting to sing, to tired to finish her shower, little maknae go when the music started!? She just...POOF disappeared!

I steal a glance over at Lisa, she's panting, obviously tired, but she looks so cute still! I walked over to her and the girls and draped my arm around her shoulders.

"You look great out there Lis" I teased, poking at her sides. Making her giggle. I just smiled and continued to play around until she scurried off with Chaeyoung to grab some water.

Eventually class ended after around 3 more groups and we all went to the dorm instead of the canteen or the practice room. In desperate need of some well deserved rest after the intense dancing we all did.

Okay. So here's the thing, I've had this in my drafts half done for a year and a half now, and the plot doesn't seem to be going ANYWHERE to me, Now I hate to be a hypocrite cause I always say I don't like when authors do things like this, but I'm dropping this Specific shot. If anyone wants to take the plot off my hands and make it their own for their mind to blow off and enjoy, DM me and have at it, cause honestly if someone does. I wanna see where they take this thing :) sorry if I disappointed some of you, cuddle your pets and love them lots don't skip meals and all that jazz. ill try to post more but my English teacher just- SUCKS. we get homework even on weekends sometimes *cries* Also if you do I'd recommend changing it up a bit. the original plot was not my original thoughts it was inspired by another author and I don't know where to bring it

Haha so funny story. It's been another long while and I finally decided to post this I am so sorry I literally forgot this was in my drafts XD love you Guys don't kill me please😥😥😥😭😭😂😂😅😅😅🥺🥺🥺🖤🖤🖤🖤

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