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-Lucia's pov-
We arrived back in sunny Madrid and Sergio had to rush off to practice so I drove him there.
The car ride was silent aside from "know yourself- by drake" which was playing softly in the background.
Sergio had his hand resting on my thigh. It was nice, having us back together. I loved him so much.
"I wish I didn't have practice" Sergio whined as we made our way to the practice pitch.
"Just want to stay home with you" Sergio's hand crawled a bit higher up my thigh, I could feel chills crawling up my spine.
I couldn't even Remeber the last time Sergio and I had slept together.
i grabbed his hand with my free hand,
"You need to train for el classico" I heard him sigh and I snickered to myself.
I turned up the volume as "only" by nicki Minaj came on.
"Damn you curved me" I burst out laughing at his modern phrasing in his thick Spanish accent.
"Well see how tired you are when you get back" I leaned over and kissed his cheek.
"Oh, I think you already know I don't get tired" Sergio smirked at me as he leaned over and hovered his lips over mine.
"True" I muttered as I grinned.
His lips touched mine briefly and then he hopped out of the car and left for practice.
I watched as he ran off to the pitch, meeting up with Isco, I smiled to myself and drove back off to Sergio's so I could unpack.
-Sergio's pov--
"Why are you smiling so much" Isco smirked at me as he gently punched me on the arm.
"Oh nothing" I kept a smug face on.
We made our way to the group.
carlo was going to be a bit late apparently so everyone was just sitting around and stretching.
"Sergio's getting fucked when he gets home" Isco giggled while everyone looked up at me.
i rested my head in my hands as I heard iker laugh loudly.
"Finally losing your virginity eh Serg?" the whole team lost it as I just shook my head.
"Fuck off iker" I smacked his arm with some excessive force.
"ayy atta boy young one" Cristiano let out his high pitch laugh as he laughed at his own joke.
"I'm going to beat you up for that Isco" I growled as I got up seeing the short little midfielder running away.
he ran towards the net assuming I was chasing him, instead I took a ball and dropped kicked it hoping it would hit the target.
Luckily it I smacked him in the back of the head.
He flipped me off while grinning.
Carlo finally arrived and practice began.
Drills drills and more drills.
Especially defensive drills and corner kicks.
Practice was finally over and I couldn't wait to get back to my house.
I caught a ride home with Ronnie since he was on his way that way too.
"How's malia" I asked with a grin.
"She's great" he grinned and I couldn't help but feel there was something more.
"Tell me" I sighed while chuckling. I could always tell when cris was hiding something.
"I'm going to ask her to marry me I think" I grinned seeing his comment coming.
"That would be perfect you know" I sighed, my mind flashing over to Lucia.
I finally arrived home.
"Thanks for the ride" I grabbed my stuff from the back.
"Have fun tonight" cris winked at me and smirked.
' Oh I will' I thought to myself.
I opened the door to the smell of candles.
"Hello mi amour" I yelled getting no noise in reply.
I heard the shower running so I made my way upstairs.
"Hello" I spoke again, not yelling this time.
I looked to see Lucia's clothes on the floor and I smirked to myself.
---viewer discretion advised, if you don't like smut then skip tills the end---
I took off my shirt and walked towards the bathroom which was full of steam.
"I thought you would never get home" I heard her sweet voice echo in the shower.
"Well I have a beautiful girlfriend that I needed to get home to quickly" I spoke softly while sliding my adidas pants off and Calvin Klein boxers.
I threw them near her clothes and opened the shower door to see her standing there completely naked.
--Lucia's pov--
I watched him as he walked into the shower.
I could already see him getting harder at the second.
I grinned in anticipation.
"Hello love" I wrapped my arms around his neck and bent in so that our lips met.
The kiss started off softly as his hands gripped my waist firmly.
I felt his tough sweep my bottom lip, begging for entrance which I gave him.
I tugged a bit on his hair hearing him moan into the kiss, making me smile.
His moan was one of the sexiest noises I had ever heard.
Soon his head leaned down an he began sucking on my neck leaving little marks while his hands moved to my ass, and squeezing.
I let out a groan in pleasure as he sucked on me sweet spot, while feeling the warm water rush down on my body.
I moved my hands down to his length, feeling it harden against my touch.
I pumped up and down hearing him moan again, his hands still moving around my body, to my breasts where he gave them a gentle squeeze here and there.
"Luc let's just do this" he whispered in my ear seductivly while massaging my boob.
I nodded and smirked in return, tuning around and placing my hands infront of me for stability.
"Your ass will be the death of me" he chuckled while teasing me a bit with his tip.
I felt him push in fully and I gasped loudly.
I hadn't done this with him in a while.
"You ok?" he whispered in my ear and I nodded as he began thrusting.
Soon enough he hit my gspot and I couldn't help it but moan at every thrust.
I moved my hips so that they met with his, hearing him curse under his breath in Spanish.
I chuckled and soon his thrusts got faster.
His hands were firmly place on my hips as I grinded into him.
I could feel a warm sensation in my core and soon my legs started to shake.
"Fuck sergio" I moaned as he held me up with his hands, his stokes getting sloppier.
I was about to cum and I could already tell he was going too aswell.
"Jesus Christ luc" he moaned loudly as he let out one more stroke.
We both groaned simultaneously and we stood there panting.
My legs still weak.
I turned the shower off and he held his arm around me, keeping me stable.
He wrapped a towel around me and we just stood there looking into eachothers eyes.
He finally broke the silence.
"Well I missed that" he put on a goofy grin and we both burst out laughing as I rested my head in the crook of his neck, his arms wrapping around me.
"I love you" he whispered while kissing my forehead.
"I love you too" I smiled into his neck.
"Round two?" he mumbled and I nodded as we made our way into the bed room.
A rlly sexy chapter today soz!
Hope you liked it though
Love yous!!
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The books going to be ending soon:(

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