Re-aquainted with the enemy

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The flight was delayed so by the time we got back to Madrid it was 3 am. There was no chance that I would be able to sleep since I slept in until 3 o'clock this afternoon.

I carried by bags towards Fabio's car.

Fabio was following my lead, with Pepe beside him.

Lia and Ronnie were also on the flight but they spent most of it cuddling and showing PDA. I'm pretty sure Fabio and Pepe both got some videos.


"Buenos noches lucia" Malia yawned and waved at me before getting into Ronnie's black Audi, Ronnie gave me a cunfused glance.

"Wait, you are lucia, as in fabios cousin Lucia?" I nodded and laughed a bit.

"I knew I recognized you" I couldn't help but give him a big smile as he pulled me in for a hug. His massive arms probobly could have wrapped around me twice.

"Fabio, why didn't you tell me that Luc was here" Fabio rolled his eyes at me and smirked at Ronnie.

"Because I forgot, who cares anyways" Ronaldo gave me an apologetic glance. I was used to my cousin treating me like this. Fabio was just an ass hole and that was that.

"Not true, but Luc, how long are you staying?" Ronnie turned his attention towards me and I was about to answer but Fabio interrupted.

"She stays until she gets fat again." Fabios words stung, my face burned and I quickly looked down at my feet awkwardly.

Pepe slapped Fabio on the arm making Fabio grunt. I heard Ronnie sigh as if he was used to Fabio talking out of turn.

"Well I'm glad you are back Luc, I'm sure the guys will be happy" Cristiano always knew how to make me feel better about myself, that's why I had a crush on him before..and let's be honest, he's hot as fuck.

"Yeah I'm sure Sergio can't wait to see you, Luc" I heard pepe let out a short snicker but Ronnie have him a death glare and he stopped.

I felt like Punching Fabio in-between the eyes for mentioning his name.

"Well, I've got to go, and by the way Luc, you were never fat" I smiled weakly at him and watched as he walked towards his car. Lia was already asleep in the front seat.

I began putting my bags in the trunk of the car, along with Pepe's and Fabio's.

"You're driving" Fabio yelled in my ear as I closed the trunk.

Pepe got in the back, Fabio in the passenger and I climbed in the driving seat.

I turned the car on and drive off into the streets of madrid, to first drop off Pepe.

I decided to turn on some music, 'loca' by Shakira was playing so I hummed along softly.

(Authors note: I fucking love shakira, she's my womancrush😂)

We dropped Pepe off, Fabio was sleeping in the front presumably, I popped the trunk so that he could get his bags.

I waved at him and he gave me a smile before leaning down by the window.

"Don't pay attention to Fabio, he's an ass most of the time."

I chuckled a bit and waved again and drove off the Fabios house...or should I say, mansion.

(Authors note: also in this book, Fabio isn't married and does not have a kid. I know, but it needed to be done for the plot.)

I gently nudged Fabio and his eyes fluttered open.

"What" he snapped making me roll my eyes.

"Were at your house" he shifted his head an looked around.

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