The truth comes out

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(Also, in this story, Sergio and pilar are not married, they are just dating)

Sergio's pov--

I woke up with a sharp pain in my back, I sat up quickly realizing that one of Pilar's earrings had been digging in my back the whole night.

I groaned loudly causing someone to shuffle around beside me.

Pilar was truly beautiful when she slept, her dark brown hair fell in curls over her fair skin. We had been together for a while now, I loved her but I felt as if something was different with our relationship.

I looked at the clock which read 4:55 am.

I let out another loud sigh and got out of bed.

The cold air hit me like a ton of bricks on my practically naked body.

Pilar always loved keeping the windows open at night for some reason.

I quickly walked to the bathroom and hopped in the shower, letting the scalding water run over my body.

I love taking long hot showers in the morning, it lets me think about my day.

Today I have practice at 7:00-10:30, after that I have lunch with pilar and then I'm going to Ronnie's for a guys night.

I was happy about that since we hadn't had one in a while.

I hopped out of the shower and combed my hair, It was getting long again and Im deciding weather to grow it out again or cut it.

After drying off I walked into my bedroom, goosebumps crawling over my skin because of the cold.

I walked into the closet and put on some Calvin and Klein boxers along with my Real Madrid sweats.

I picked out a nike sweater to put on top.


I placed my tiempos in my training bag and grabbed my phone, clicking on the Instagram app.

I scrolled through pictures, liking a few of them. I stopped scrolling when I saw Malias post.

'@ themaliaalves: con Mis nenas @rafaella, @irinashayk @luciacoentrao'

In the picture, malia and rafaella were hugging and Irina was kissing Lucia's cheek.

They almost looked familiar together and then that's when I remembered. Irina and Lucia were very close friends the last time Lucia lived in spain.

I flinched as I remembered.

I chuckled to myself as I muttered,


Lucia's pov--

I woke up in a bed beside rafaella.

Cristiano had lent out his other guest room to Irina so Rafa and I shared a bed since it was a king bed and we were both very small.

I hugged the sheets as I looked at the clock beside me.

It read 12:55.

Wow this is the longest I had slept in too and boy did it ever feel good.

I felt very well rested as I got up out of bed.

I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, my makeup had smudged a little bit but it still looked nice.

I looked as my tanktop hung off my body. my collarbones looked prominant.

'This needs to change' I thought to myself as I focused on how hollow my cheekbones were.

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