Revenge is sweet but has consiquences

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Lucia's pov--

I sat on the couch reminiscing about my talk with Marc while waiting for Sergio to come home. I couldn't help but feel excited, because maybe we could work things out. I don't know what I would do if he refused me again. I'm sure he won't though.
I can't help but feel confident about out relationship aswell. it would be exciting just to get a fresh start with him. A clean slate I suppose.

My phone buzzed as I received a text from Marc.
Marc:Sorry If I scared you off, had a good time talking though😌

Lucia: you didnt, sorry I just had to leave to tell Sergio something, I had a good time aswell, sorry for crying aha

Marc: no worries, just glad to be friends again?

Lucia: yeah me too:)

The moment I turned off my phone, Sergio stormed in the house and my spirits dropped immediatly.
"Why did you come to spain" he roared.
To be honest, I was not expecting this, he had never been this angry about something and I hated to be dragged into it.
"My parents sent me here for health reasons, you know that" I replied calmly as I tried to compose myself.
All I got in return from him however, was a short laugh.
"Ok" he replied while laughing coldly and taking off his jacket.
"What's going on" I questioned as he continued to strip until he was only in a tshirt and boxers.
"Oh like you don't know" he paused for a moment and glared at me.
A look I had seen before from him a long time ago. a look of hate and malice.
i could feel my eyebrows furrow down.
"I don't know what you are talking about" I mumbled while standing up from the couch.
Again another laugh and a few words mumbled under his breath in Spanish.
"You not telling me isn't going to help things Sergio" I stated with a bit of attitude.
he pulled off his shirt and began walking upstairs.
I had to follow though.
"You and Fabio must have had this all planned out" he mumbled while opening the door to our-- his room an grabbing some sweats.
"What are you talking about"
I was honestly so confused and a bit scared.
"YOU USED ME, YOU BOTH DID" he fumed as he put on his sweats and a spare nike shirt.
"WHAT THE HELL" I screamed back, not being able to take it anymore.
"You used me, so he could get to her" he sat down and balled his hands into fists. I began backing away slowly.
He was angry and already I could see veins popping from his arms.
"How could you" he growled, looking up at me.
"Sergio calm down" I continued backing away.
"I don't know what's happening" I whispered under my breath while looking around the room to did an object I could use to defend myself if I had too.
A lamp, two feet away, I began backing towards it.
"DONT PLAY STUPID" he got up an began approaching me, that's when I ran.
Grabbed the lamp and stood in the corner of the room, the lamp Infront of me.
his eyes widened at me and he looked down at his hands.
He immediately collapsed to the floor, and put his head in his hands.
"Sergi" I whispered again as I placed the lamp back down.
"Lo siento, lo siento princessa" he repeated over and over again.
"He hurt me, he betrayed me" I could see tears falling from Sergio's face.
"Who? what?" I bent down beside him and thought to maybe rub his shoulder, to get him to calm down a bit.
"Lucia, you don't deserve me, you deserve so much better. I am an idiot." he mumbled, his voice cracking a bit because of the tears.
I couldn't help but feel bad, sad for him feeling this way but also mad at the fact that he was so close to hitting me.
"Sergio shh" I true calming him down a bit but honestly I felt anger bubble up inside of me.
"Sergio, you were going to hit me, you were so close, and I have no idea why you are mad at me, Sergio I love you but you cannot just yell at me without telling me why, I just--" Sergio's head tilted up, his face was puffy and red, his eyes bloodshot.
"The baby isn't mine, it's Fabios, she cheated on me, and I know I shouldn't care bu--" he rested his head down in his hands again.
"But" I tried to keep a composed expression on my face.
"But it hurts me, he betrayed me."
I nodded and exhaled a breath.
"Lucia, leave me, you can do so much better than a scumbag like me" he muttered.
I pondered to myself.
Sergio was hurt, because pilar cheated on him, but he is with me, so is he mad at pilar, does he still love her?
"Do you still love her?" my eyes began to fill with water but I pushed the tears back.
i saw him shake his head but to be honest I wasn't sure anymore, I love him but all I could feel was anger right now.
there was only one solution I could see infront of me, the solution a coward would take.
"I think we need to take a break, you need to work on yourself and on what you want."
He lifted his head and moved the hair from his eyes to look at me.
I could see the hurt and anguish in his eyes, but I sat there with anger in mine. what was wrong with me, why was I being this way, I loved sergio,but I was a coward, and what's done was done.

--Sergio's pov--
She left the house, to go to someone's house, my guess was Marc, who knows.
All I know is that it was my fault that she left, I ruined everything all right now all I wanted to do was get drunk.
I sat down at the bar an ordered a few shots of spiced rum. The barista gave me them on the house, an she winked as she slid them over.
I gave her a nod of appreciation and downed them both, ordering another two.
The burning sensation ran down my throat as I downed the other two. I could feel my skin pigment darken as the alcohol rushed into my blood.
"Hey" I heard a voice say beside me, it was a soft voice, a voice I recognized.
I turned to see the person next to me, it was Becca, Malias friend, and I beleive she was dating Varane.
"Hi" I spoke nonchalantly, not even trying to be pleasant.
"I'm not here to hit on you" she chuckled while taking a shot of clear liquid, my guess was vodka or white rum.
"Good" I chimed in sarcastically while ordering a beer.
"Varane thinks I'm in love with someone else" she continued talking, I guess hoping I would listen.
"Are you?" I asked in an u interested tone.
"Yeah, I guess I am."
I chuckled as I sipped my beer.
"Then go for him" I spoke the obvious.
"i can't, he has moved over me. I will stay with varane, but he doesn't deserve me" my ears perked as she spoke her story and I became intrigued.
"Why can't you"
"He lives in Paris now. but I need to work on myself. I don't want to ruin varane and drag him down with me" she stated as she took another shot of clear liquid.
"You love Lucia" it was more of a question rather than a statement.
"Or do you love the other lady"
"I love lucia" I stated with full confidence.
"Then act like it and quit moping about that the other lady cheated on you"
I was surprised at how Becca knew this.
"You aren't with pilar, the baby isn't yours, so get over it and pay attention to your future"
She chuckled to herself.
"But punch that fucker Fabio, because he's a douche"
she downed one more shot and before i could reply she had left.
I couldn't help but notice how valid her words were. Why was I so selfish.i felt enlightened and I knew I was going to act on her words, especially the ones about punching Fabio and without any thought, I stumbled to my car and put the keys in the ignition.
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Ily all, I have school tomorrow:(

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