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Lucia's pov--

I opened my eyes and smacked my alarm that had been buzzing for the past 30 seconds. I shuffled the blankets off of me and drank some water, getting the foul taste of puke out of my mouth.
I sat up and hopped out of bed, startling myself when my bare feet touched the cold floor.
Today I was leaving with Sergio and the Spain national team to go to Valencia. Where Spain would play Germany tomorrow.
I'll admit it would be an interesting match, but I was still not looking forward to the awkward plane ride, with both Marc and Sergio.
I changed into black panties and a matching bra and put on a Red vneck tanktop, along with a pair of adidas tiro 13 pants.
I grabbed the bag that I packed last night, along with my phone, and made my way downstairs. I could smell bacon and eggs but I wasn't hungry.
I places my bags by the door and walked towards the kitchen, the smell filling my nose.
Inside the kitchen near the stove, stood a shirtless Sergio.
My eyes fluttered over his toned abs but I quickly looked away and averted my eyes to a bowl of fruit lying on the counter.
I grabbed a mango and a knife and sat down on the counter, adjacent to Sergio.
He looked at me, his eyes full of disgust.
I sliced my mango and are chunk after chunk, while playing with my phone.
It buzzed with a message from my manager saying:

You are going out with Sergio tonight in Valencia, luckily we payed off the photographer that got the picture of you and marc kissing, but rumours are still flying around, you and Sergio need to make a public appearance. WITH PHYSICAL CONTACT.

I sighed loudly, Sergio did aswell since he seemed to have gotten a similar message from his manager at the same time.
i continued eating my mango, and got another text, this time it was a group chat text from Becca.
"Texting marc?" Sergio's voice dropped with sarcasm and a hint of jealousy,
"No, but so what if I was, we are friends" I rolled my eyes and opened Becca's text.

Becca: Guys, I kind of still have feelings for Dane, but Rafael varane wants me to go to France with him for international break but I kind of want to stay with dane. I don't know what to do!!!

Malia: drop Dane and varane, neymar is single now and is in need of a cuddle buddie, at least that's what my uncle dani says;)

I rolled my eyes at the conversation and let out a snort of laughter.
I had yet to meet Malias uncle...aka dani Alves.

Sergio put the bacon and eggs on a plate and sat beside me.
"Where do you want to go"
He garbled with his mouth full of food.
"On our--" he put up hand quotations "--date"
I furrowed my eyebrows and finished off the last piece of mango.
"I don't care" I sneered back.
"Ok then we are going to a strip club" I could here him pause, waiting for my reaction.
I widened my eyes an glared at him, he clearly was looking for that reaction because he burst out laughing.
i threw my peels in the trash and stormed off.
"I was joking" I heard him yell, with his laughter following.
I walked to the bathroom and put on some makeup.

--Sergio's pov--
I washed the dishes and went upstairs to put my clothes on.
I walked by Lucia,putting makeup on in the bathroom and let out a chuckle.
I thought it was a funny joke, but apparently not.
I quickly styled my hair and put on a Spain national team polo which was mandatory to wear.
I grabbed a pair of ray bands and my phone and walked out of my room, closing the door behind me.
"Time to go" I yelled while walking towards the stairs.
"I'm already ready" I heard her speak in a bored tone and I looked down the stairs to see her already at the door.
"Oh" I mumbled.
I grabbed my bags and walked towards the door, locking it behind us.
We both walked to my garage in silence, I got out the keys to my black Audi and clicked the unlock button.
The trunk popped and we placed our things in.
I couldn't help but stare at her cleavage when she bent down to adjust her bag in the trunk of the car, and she seemed to notice.
She shook her head and pulled up her top.
I got in the drivers seat and turned on the radio.
She got in the passenger seat and we drove off, I made sure to close the gate surrounding my house behind us.
"Crew love" by drake and the weeknd was playing, and Luc Sang along quietly while looking out the window.
We hopped on the plane, I made my way over to iker and Sara, while Lucia walked over to Marc and Sergi.
"Lucia are you sitting with me?" I asked in an annoyed voice as I saw marc brush his hand on her arm.
"No, I'll sit with Marc" she gave me a small smile.
I quickly turned my head away and made my way to the only seat left, I was sitting beside Xavi.
I put on a pair of earphones to drown out the noises of Marc and Lucia flirting.
We had settled everything down, my bags where in the hotel, where unfortunately I had to share a room with Lucia, who by the way had been flirting with Marc this whole time.
It was 3:00 so I started to research restaurants in the area that I could take Lucia too.
I found a nice looking Greek place, half an hour later and decided to take a shower.
After that I got ready an it was already 4:30.
I walked over to Marc's room and banged on the door, I didn't wait for a response and opened the door. I knew she was in there.
And I was right, she was lounging on his bed, with him cuddling close beside her, Sergi was sitting on the opposite bed.
my face reddened with anger, but I needed to control myself. My manager would not be happy if I punched Marc again.
"So Sergi, having fun third-wheeling with Marc and my girlfriend?" I asked with sarcasm in my voice.
"Well to be fair she isn't really your girl--"
"Shut the fuck up" I cut off Marc's annoying voice before he could say another word.
"Lucia, are you going to get ready?" I smiled sarcastically at her.
Her face turned red but she glared back.
"Yeah I'll be ready in a few minutes."
She smiled sweetly.
"See you later marc, bye sergi" she got up off the bed and right in front of my eyes, she leaned over and kissed him right on the lips.. in front of me!!!
I stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind me.
I walked in the hallway,towards Ikers room.
I heard a door creak open and I saw Lucia leaving Marc and Sergis room.
"What the hell Sergio" she glared at me, her eyebrows furrowed.
"Don't even" I replied as I glared back.
"Now please go get ready, I've made reservations for 6" I sighed and walked into Ikers room, leaving her alone in the hall.
"Hey man oh--" I quickly got out of Ikers room when I noticed Sara and Him making out.

Who's room should I go to now
I decided to head over to Isco's room.
He was a chill guy, and I could talk to him.
He was sitting on his bed, talking to Xavi Alonso.
"Hola, why do you look so sad" Iscos voice rang through the room.
Apparently I looked sad? ok..
"I'm not sad" I protested.
"Ok then" Xavi laughed.
"Then why are you so dressed up?" Isco looked up from his phone at me.
"Date with Lucia" I sighed and sat down on a chair.
"I thought she was with bartra" Xavi chimed, making me roll my eyes.
"She is in a contract with me" I muttered while wishing it didn't have to be a contract.
"Oh like Cristiano and Irina?" I nodded and pulled out my phone to text Lucia where I was.
Lucia wore a plain black long sleeve maxi dress with gold accessories and a Michael kors watch.
The drive to the restaraunt was quiet and awkward.
We finally arrived and she looked out to see what restaraunt I chose.
I knew she liked Greek food so it made me happy when I saw her smile to myself.
she was about to get out of the car, when I grabbed her arm gently and kept her in.
"Listen I know we are mad at eachother, but we have to act like we aren't ok? or else my manager will strangle me with his bare hands" she nodded and I let go of her arm.
"Thanks for choosing greek" I heard her soft sweet voice, before she left the car.
I followed her into the restaraunt and she chose a table near a window.
clearly wanting to get paparazzi attention.
"Why do you care so much about your manager" she spoke up after we had ordered our food and drinks.
i didn't like her question. I hated my manager, he was the cause for our breakup in the first place, he basically controlled me.
"I just don't want him mad at me" I lied while sipping on my Pepsi.

She placed her hand on the table and reached it so that she could grab mine.
We entwined out fingers together an sat there, just holding hands for a bit.
It was nice, she was actually trying.
"So I know you like Marc" I started but she cut me off.
"When we are together, we don't talk about Marc please" I saw her eyes crinkle a bit and she looked down, almost with guilt in her eyes.
I didn't want to push her though, even though I was mad and confused.
"Ok amour" I whispered, hoping she wouldn't hear.
Our food came and we are in silence, enjoying every last bite.
I payed for the bill and we left without a word. Paparazzis were waiting outside so I grabbed her hand and we walked toward my car.
We drove off until she told me to pull over so I did.
"Let's go on a walk" she suggested.
It was probably a good idea, since we didn't really have that much exposure yet.
We got out of the car and walked throughout the streets, hand in hand, until we got to the beach.
The moon was hanging over the horizon, sending off eerie beams on the water.
It was actually quite pretty.
There were a few people milling about of the beach, laughing or just talking, it was peaceful.
We stood there for a while, in silence.
I crept my arms on her waist and stood behind her, until she spoke up.
"Kiss me" she spoke barely over a whisper so I wasn't sure if I heard her right.
"Kiss me" she repeated while turning to face me.
I looked at her face, the way her hazel eyes gleamed in the moonlight.
My eyes looked down at her lips, and I began to lean down slowly, moving my Hand up to cup her face, but leaving the other one on her waist still.
I ran my hand through her hair and gave her one last glance before my placed my lips on her cold lips.
Memories flashed through my mind.
Her lips didn't move at first but soon she began to kiss back.
Her tiny cold hand crept onto the back of my neck and another one landed on my stubble.
Our lips moved in sync for a bit, my heart was racing when I finally pulled away, tracing circles on her jaw bone with my thumb, keeping my face, inches away from hers.
I could still taste her strawberry lip balm on my lips.
"Why did you want me to kiss you"
I pulled her on the waist so that she was a bit closer.
-Lucia's pov--
"Why did you want me to kiss you" he spoke up, his lips only inches from mine, temptingly close.
His grip tightened on my waist as he pulled me closer so that I could feel the heat radiating off of him.
My brain was telling me no, to step away, but my heart wanted him back for some reason, but in times like these, I had to listen to my brain.
"Paparazzis are watching" I lied.
I regretted saying it as soon as the words left my mouth.
His hand fell from my hip, and his other hand lingered a bit on my face but fell like his other.
"Ok thanks" I heard him whisper, a look of hurt washed into his eyes, a look I had only seen a few times before.
A look I had caused him.

AWE so Lucia has feeling for him but she is trying to ignore her feelings:(
What do you guys think?
Like and comment!!!
Love you all, don't worry I'll make something cute happen next chapter.
Lots of drama happening soon though;)
if you haven't read it yet, you should!
It's called sparks in Spain !I

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