Scenarios and stress

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Sergio's pov--

I sat in the bed an looked at the clock.
11:30. why was I staying up for her, she had been treating me like shit the past few days. Ignoring me or ditching me or marc.
It was as if I was a toy that she could play with, but only when she wanted too. And we were stuck in a fucking contract, which I seemed to have to remind her of every time we were together.
I scrolled through instagram, seeing a post on Marc's Instagram of him and lucia.
My manager was not going to be happy. I had to get him to take it down, my manager would be very very angry.
My phone buzzed with a call, it's like he read my mind.
It was my manager!
I picked up, fear aching my body.
"Sergio you better get marc to take that picture down right fucking now or there will be SERIOUS consequences."
I didn't even get to reply because he hung up right away.
I sighed heavily and scratched the back of my head.
Everything was so complicated.
I wish I wasn't in this situation.
I wish I was free to do what I want but my manager controlled me like a puppet.

--Lucia's pov--
Marc and I had been making out for am the past while, until suddenly the door jolted open.
of course Sergio came to ruin a moment.
Marc and I separated our faces but I still was straddling him.
"Marc" Sergio's voice was surprisingly calm, but what scared me most was the facial expression Sergio wore, it was an anxious expression, as if he was scared of something, or someone. I hadn't seen that expression since the last time we were together at the end of our relationship.
"Can you please take the picture down off Instagram"
Marc and I were both confused, we only looked like friends in that picture, nothing more.
"My manager.." Sergio looked down, hiding his face.
"Yeah ofcourse" marc seemed to notice Sergio's uncomfortableness and he grabbed his phone an delete the picture.
"Done" marc smiled.
I loved his smile.
"Gracias" Sergio muffled and walked out.
There was something seriously wrong.
He didn't even care that I was with marc.
"I should go" I spoke up after a silence.
Marc pouted.
"Do you have too?" I giggled at his pouty face.
"Yeah, I'll see you on the plane tomorrow" I smiled and kissed him on the cheek and got off him.
He walked me to the door.
"Buenos noches Bonita" he smiled and bent down to kiss my forehead.
I closed the door behind me and made my way to Sergio and I's room.
My bare feet patted down the hallways and I found myself unsure if I should knock or just walk straight in the room.
I decided to walk in.
Sergio was in the kitchen getting a glass of water.
He looked tired and stressed. this wasn't how I like Sergio.
He was fun to be around when he was happy. for some reason, I dealt guilty when I was with him. Like I was the cause of all his stress.
He looked up at me, his eyes half closed like he was tired, but a fatigue that sleep couldn't quench.
"I didn't think you would come" he spoke in a gravelly tone while taking a sip of water and sipping down a pill.
his question suprised me.
Why would he ask that? well I guess I have been spending a lot of time with Marc and not him.
My mind raced back to the kiss we shared last night.
"Of course I would come back" I have him a tiny smile but his face didn't seem to brighten up.
"Sergio" I half whispered.
"What" he snapped back, slamming his glass in the sink.
I pitied him. I know he didn't want pity but I couldn't help it.
I walked over to him slowly and wrapped my arms around him, not because I was told to by the contract, but because I felt like I needed too.
"I knew you would do that" he pulled away and rested his head on a cupboard.
"How" I questioned.
"Because I'm in pain, that's the only way I can get your attention" his words stung as he walked away from me towards the bed.
"Don't worry luc, I'll get over it" he sighed as he tucked himself in bed, leaving me to stand alone in the kitchen.
(A.n: I stole that line from mockingjay the movie. sorry I just thought it fit well, and omfg that movie was so gold, I've read the books 11 times and it met my expectations)

I felt my eyes moisten and a lump form in my throat because what he said was true. If I was hurting Sergio and I knew it, then why was I still doing it?

I wales to bed and curled in on the other side of sergio, letting my tears fall on the pillow.
Tears of guilt, and understanding. how could Sergio ever care for me if I was so awful to him.
"Don't cry luc" I heard him mumble from the other side of the bed.
"Sorry" I whispered.
"It's ok, sleep well amour" he grumbled and soon I could hear his slow breathing.
I couldn't help but curl a little closer to him and I felt his arm wrap around me, subconsciously I'm sure.
It felt nice, my mind wandered to scenarios: if you could change anything in your life, what would it be? I asked myself,
'I would want to get rid of my feeling altogether' I answered myself, thinking about Marc and Sergio, but my mind eventually landed on Sergio and I cuddled closer into his bare toned chest. I fell asleep to the sound of his heart.

Like comment and ahare, I'll try update tomorrow and I love your comments guys!!
Love you, where are u guys from?:)

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