Back where i belong (final chapter)

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Lucia's pov
I made my way over to Malia and cristiano to say my goodbyes, Sergio followed closely behind me.
"Congratulations guys, really I'm so happy for you both" I gushed, pulling Malia into a tight hug, and then Ronnie.
"Thankyou babes" Malia pushed a strand of hair from my face and they both returned the smiles.
I made my way outside and began walking towards the car as Sergio followed me.
This wedding helped, a lot. I thought about the way Sergio and I had really gotten even closer over the course of one night and I couldn't help but blush just thinking of spending the rest of my life with him.
Things were rough when I came back here and I didn't think life could get any better, but I really have grown and gotten better. For once in my life, I was happy for myself and who I've become.

Sergio and I both climbed Into the car awaiting for us, we had a driver since both of us had a little to drink at the reception.
"Nice speech" I whacked Sergio's leg and let out a chuckle as I smirked at him.
His speech had made me laugh. It was humorous yet sweet, memorable.
"I was fucking scared" Sergio admitted letting out a loud laugh.
"Thought I was going to stutter to be honest" he chuckled again, resting his large hand on my thigh.
I felt heat rush onto my cheeks.
the effect he still had on me didn't feel like it was ever going to fade.
We made it home and both of us changed into some more casual clothing, it was around 3 am and I was starting to feel my eyes droop.
I paused and turned to see a sleepy shirtless Sergio standing infront of me.
I padded over to where he stood by the bed and snaked my arms around his bare waist.
"I love you" he whispered into my ear.
I could feel his mouth turn upwards into a smile and it was contagious.
"I love you" I repeated back to him, looking into his caramel eyes.
His arms wrapped around my back and for a few moments we just stood there, staring into eachothers eyes.
"I'm so proud of you" his lip twitched into a smile and I felt heat rush to my cheeks.
To have him say that felt amazing, his support meant everything.
"I am too" I admitted whilst moving my hands upwards to wrap around his neck.
I bent in a gave him a quick kiss on the lips, while his one hand gave my ass a quick grab.
"I'm too tired to f.uck" we both let out a laugh as we slowly dragged our way into the bed.
I snuggled up to him, hearing the familiar beating of his heart.
"I'm glad you're here with me" he whispered into my ear, while stroking my hair gently.
For once I was really happy, I felt as if this is where I belonged, in spain, with the man I love.
"This is where I belong" I repeated my thoughts softly, getting a hmm in return.
The last thing I remember hearing was Sergio whisper "I'll never leave you" into my ear before I fell asleep with a smile on my face.
Finally finished, soz this update took a long time. I forgot about this story tbh and I've been really busy.
THANKYOU FOR READING! Any suggestions for another footy fanfic? Like and comment. ily💖
Follow my insta: thebeccajones or beccajonesart

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