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Sergio's pov--

I could see her through the window, her blue piercing eyes and dark hair shone in the sun. she caught my gaze and gave me a small smile.
She wore a baggy romper, I could tell she was attempting to cover her baby bump.
I walked into the coffee shop, hearing the bell ring when I walked in.
Pilar already had a coffee waiting for me so I sat at the table with her.
My skin was still crawling because of the little argument I had with Lucia this morning.
Part of me wondered if she ate. Oh well, I shouldn't be thinking of her.
I looked up at pilar who was looking at me with a concerned look.
"I'm sorry" she muttered under her breath while twitching her thumbs.
She seemed to look quite sad actually and I honestly felt bad for her.
"Don't be sorry." I reached out and brushed her hand with mine.
She smiled in return while taking a sip of her decaf.
"Sergio I shouldn't have went with Marc. I messed everything up with you and Lucia" I could see a glint of light in her eye, that was my first warning sign.
"No it's fine" I brushed her comment of with ease and took a sip of the coffee which was quite tasteless.
I liked my coffee strong, this was a pathetic excuse for a coffee.
"So you're sure it's mine?"
He face contorted with anger but she composed herself.
"Yes it's yours" she nodded while taking another sip of her decaf.
For a moment, I thought of what it would be like to be a father, to have a child that was mine, part of me even wondered what it would be like if I raised the child with Pilar.
"Sergi I understand if you want to have nothing to do with the child-- I just wanted you to know" she looked down at her freshly done nails as she spoke.
"Of course I want to have a part in My child's life" she looked up at me and grinned, showing off her white teeth.
"If it was my child" i continued.
"Sergio it is I--" I cut her off before she continue talking.
"Cut the shit, I know it's not mine."
I couldn't stand how she was trying to kneed her way into my life again.
"Sergio I assure you it's yours"
She tried reassuring herself to me.
"We didn't have sex for the last two months of our relationship" I spoke a little too loudly, getting the attention of some people. I glared at the bystanders and they turned away.
"So tell me pilars, who's baby is it, and who were you cheating on me with"
The last part was barely spoken above a whisper.
I could feel a lump in my throat but I wasn't going to cry. not about her.
"Tell me!" I slammed my fist on the table causing my coffee cup to jolt a bit.
Her blue eyes were brimming with tears, another pang on my heart.
My blood was boiling, I was too angry to feel bad for her.
"You are going to kill him." she pleaded while tears dripped from her eyes.
"Just tell me" I whined, feeling the lump form in my throat again.
"Okay" she muttered while wiping her eyes with a napkin.
The next two words were the ones which broke my heart, the betrayal, anguish, and that's when I didn't care if I cried in public. My life was shattered.

"Fabio Coentrao"
hope you all had a happy christmas and have a happy new year!!
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What do you think will happen next?sorry this was a short chapter.

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