Different but happy

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Sergio's pov--
I woke up and felt some shuffling beside me. I opened and closed my eyes a few times to adjust to the light, and then I looked beside me.
Lucia's dark brown hair fell in curly waves on my chest.
A little pool of drool was on my chest aswell where her mouth was.
I chuckled a bit and ran my fingers trough her hair gently, playing with her hair until her eyes fluttered open.
She glanced up at me, her hazel eyes staring into mine and we both just grinned at eachother.
I felt butterflies in my stomach whenever I saw her smile, and now she was mine.
She looked momentarily at my chest were a pool of drool was and her cheeks immediately flushed bright red.
"I'm sorry" she muttered while reaching over to grab a tissue from the night table to wipe it up with.
"I don't care" I laughed a bit and reached over for my phone.
Lucia moved the blankets to cover her bare chest and sat up beside me and nuzzled her head into the crook of my neck.
"I need to talk to marc, explain everything. Can you come with me?"
The fact that she invited me along made me feel happy, it made me feel like she wanted me too.
She didn't exactly say 'i love you' back to me, but I pushed that aside.

I clicked on the camera on my IPHone and flipped it so it faced us.
"Smile" I chimed.
She grinned and poked my side which made me laugh.
It was a cute picture though, you could obviously tell that we were both naked, but nothing showed, and I posted it on instagram.

"Buenos Dias, love waking up to her smile❤️"

My manager and hers would be happy with my post.
I cringed when I thought of my manager.

Lucia's pov--
Sergio's smile faded so I began tickling him, and his smile soon reappeared.
He went down to make breakfast while I changed.
I put on a red bra and matching panties. I put on some black skinny jeans and a white see-through chiffon top.
I grabbed my phone and ran downstairs to the smell of omlet.
It was Sergio's favorite to make.
Eggs, onions and potatoes with a bit of parsley all mixed together into an omlette type meal, we are quickly and I waited as he changed.
I pulled out my phone and texted marc.

lucia: can we talk

Marc: fine, I'm in Madrid right now so meet me at the usual coffee shop

Lucia: ok, be there in 20

We drove Sergio's new Audi to the shop, and made our way in.
I grabbed Sergio's hand and intertwined out fingers, out of the corner of my eye, I could see a smile creep onto Sergio's face.
I looked to the table in the corner where marc and I usually met.
Memories flooded in my head of when marc and I spent time together, but I looked up at Sergio and the memories left temporarily.
In the corner was an angry Marc.
"Why is he here" he spit out, clearly moody.
"I wanted him here." I spoke in a calm tone.
Marc stirred his tea with his stir stick.
He never drank coffee because he didn't like bad breath.
"Ok, well I guess we aren't together anymore" Marc's eyes glinted as he took a sip of his tea.
"No we aren't, the way you acted at that game" I shook my head and felt Sergio tense up beside me when I mentioned the game.
"Yeah about that.." Marc looked up confidently at Sergio.
"Im really sorry man, I said some shit I shouldn't have" he looked to have remorse in his eyes, but it didn't look real to me, something about Marc was different. He seemed to be acting more cocky than usual, not his goofy funny self that I grew to like.
I guess it's good that I'm with Sergio now.
I looked over at Sergio to see if he was going to reply.
"Yeah I know, you did, but I forgive you, you should apologize to Luc aswell" Sergio's grip on my hand tightened.
Marc looked over to me now, folding his fingers together, his green eyes glinted at me and a sweet smile grew on his face.
"I'm really sorry Lucia, I'll be happy if we can stay friends though" he chuckled a bit and looked down in embarassment.
"Yeah" I grinned, maybe I didn't have to lose marc all together.
"Yeah we can be friends" I felt Sergio tense up again.
"Well I've got to go, you two enjoy your coffees" marc stood up abruptly without finishing his tea.
He adjusted his watch a bit and stood for a second.
"See you at the la liga Christmas banquet?" he nodded and walked off.
"I hate him" Sergio grimaced and I couldn't help but laugh.
"He's a good guy, just misunderstood" I chuckled.
"I still hate him" Sergio muttered to himself while taking a sip of his latte.

---Marc's pov---
I got into my SUV and drove off to the airport.
I got an expected call and put it on speaker as I drove.
"Can you make it?" I asked with little patience.
"Yeah I can" the female voice rang through my speaker system.
"Ok good, this is going to work, I just know it" I spoke excitedly as I put on some sunglasses.
"It better marc, it's been way to long since I've seen him" her voice sounded as if she longed attention.
"It will, I got to go, I have another call, pick you up at 6 on Saturday ok?" Neymar was calling on another line.
"Vale, bye marc"
I hung up and answered neymar.

"Hola" I tried sounding as friendly as I could.
"Marc, are you going to be back in Barcelona for training?"
"Yeah I am" I answered as I ran a yellow light.
"Ok good, who are you bringing to the banquet?" I grinned at his change of topic.
"It's a suprise" I smirked to myself.
"Well I have no one to bring.." his voice trailed off. Him and Bruna had broken up a few months ago.
"Anyone would go with you, hey you know what would be funny, if you brought assholes old girlfriend. The Russian girl." I chuckled to myself at the suggestion.
"Haha Ronaldo's ex, Irina? she's a bit to old for me" neymar chuckled a bit.
"Age doesn't matter mate. bring Adriana lima, shes hot"

"She's married you idiot" I could hear neymar laughing even more.
"True" I grinned as I got into the airport parking lot.
"Well I've got to go, me and Sergi will find you a date, I promise" I hung up quickly and got onto the plane.
My phone buzzed as I got a text from Gerard.

Pique: who are you bringing to the banquet baby marc😂

Marc: it's a suprise, it's sure to set off an chain reaction if events I hope😏😂

sorry for not updating in a while, I'll try update again tomorrow
and I added neymar bc he's bae.
and love my baby Isco🙌🙌

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