Could this get worse? Yes

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Malias pov--

I saw Marc Bartras face when Fabio hit him.
He looked angry, very angry, angry enough to fight back, but someone held him back.
It was Sami.
Thank god. Sami was always the peacekeeper when it came to these type of things.
"You stay away from my cousin puta madre" Fabios voice was loud and I could hear him even over the music.
"Yeah or what. I'm aloud to dance with her if I want" Marc was holding his jaw with an aggravated look on his face.
Lucia looked broken, and drunk.
I could see that she was almost going to break down so I disconnected from Cristiano and went over to hug her.
A bouncer from the club came over and talked to Fabio and he left without a word, rolling his eyes.
It seemed to make Lucia feel better, that he was gone.
"Hey are you ok babes?" she nodded tentatively and gave me a weak smile as Marc left to go get some ice.

We stood there for a bit, everyone around us dancing and I decided it was time for another drink, I dragged Lucia with me to the bar.
"2 more tequila shots please" the bartender nodded and winked.
"Gracias" I said an downed the shot at the same time as Lucia.

We sat at the bar for a bit longer to let the alcohol in our systems but soon "dirty dancer" by Enrique Iglesias came on and I dragged Lucia to the dancefloor.
I began dancing sexually to match the song but she looked a bit nervous.
"Come on Luc, you deserve to have some fun" she grinned at me and we both danced closely together.
I looked at Cristiano to see that his jaw was dropped and I winked at him, biting my lip.

Lucia's pov--

Malia was the best, I was feeling very confident mostly because of her and the alcohol.
I saw her smirking at Ronnie and he seemed to like what he saw.
I could help but laugh to myself at his reaction.
My eyes wandered and landed in Sergio.
He was staring aswell, biting his lip a bit.. he looked so sexy when he bit his bottom lip, especially with his long hair now..

Lucia cut it out! he's an asshole who got Fabio mad at Marc remember?

Marc! Right,
I looked around and saw him at the bar with a bit of a bruise growing on his jaw.
I stared at him until his eyes met mine and I used my finger to beacon him over to me.
"go seduce cristiano" I smirked and whispered in Lias ear.
I met marc halfway an pulled him close.
"I'm really sorry about fabio" i muttered, feeling a bit embarassed.
he pulled back and grinned at me,
Yep a bruise was definatly growing!
"It was worth it Luc." my cheeks flushed red at his words.
"But I should go, I have training tomorrow" I didn't want him to leave but I just nodded and kissed his cheek.
who was I going to hangout with now,
I looked in the corner to see Sara and iker were all over eachother,
Same with becca and varane, pepe and Ana sophia, cristiano and Lia, Sami and lena.
Oh no.
"I'll text you ok?" marc smiled, his beautiful green eyes twinkled and I grinned.
"Ok, be safe" I warned as I watched him walk towards the door.
2 more shots later.

"Sergio you basstard, you got Marcy Marc punched again" the words jumbled out of my mouth.
My brain felt so foggy and soon I became focused on his beard.
Since when did Sergio have a beard?
"Serg your beard is funny"
I began laughing historically and he did aswell.
We were both clearly drunk.
This was the most drunk I had ever been actually.
"Well I don't know actually" he slurred white Patting my head.
My brain felt like it was doing circles inside my skull.
All I could focus on was Sergio, wearing his white button down.
You could practically see his tanned toned body through his shirt because of the black lights.
"Hey" Sergio snorted loudly as if realizing something important.
"You called me serg, you did that before--" his voice trailed off and he muttered something while taking a sip of his rum and coke.
"Sergy serg serg" I spoke, making no sense, even to myself.
"That's me" he cheered happily while putting an arm around my shoulder.
It felt familiar, the feeling. it felt nice.
"Lets go" he sighed while getting up.
"Ya" I agreed, trying I get up but failing.
I made three tries and finally stood up.
Sergio was waiting for me but giggling softly to himself.
I became focused on his hair and reached up to touch his hair.
"I like your long hair" I sighed and tried to make my way to the exit but failing misribally.
"Here" he sighed and suddenly I was getting a piggy back ride by Sergio.
I rested my hand in his hair and hummed to myself quietly as we made our way to the door.
I woke up, my head was panting as I tried to open my eyes.
I felt movement beside me and I opened my eyes and looked over.
Who was it? I couldn't tell because the sheets were covering.
My head felt as if it was going to expload.
I had never had a hangover like this before.
I heard mumbling and faced my attention towards the unknown person beside me.
"Pil, pilar baby" my eyes widened and I looked around the room.
It definitely wasn't mine.
I looked to see the window open.
My clothes were lying on the floor and I was only in a pair of black panties.
Oh no.
Soon enough, the person turned and opened their eyes.
Sergio stared up at me.
"Pilar?" he mumbled.
We both screamed and sat straight up in unison.
Duh duh duh;)
So do you guys ship Lergio or Macia???
Haha what a twist eh.
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OMFG Ronnie won 3 awards and Sergio won 1 and Luca won another.
Along with keylor too:,)

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