Unfriendly greeting

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--Sergio's pov--

My eyes readjusted to the light as I opened them slowly.

Ugh hangovers are the worst.

I looked beside me at the clock to see that it read 9:00 am, a figure beside my shifted and I looked to see pilar waking aswell.

she glared at me with her piercing blue eyes as she woke and quickly got up to take a shower, leaving me in the bed with my thoughts.

I grabbed my phone and checked my schedule seeing I had a day off due to my calf injury.

There was an el classico match coming up, I still wasn't sure if I would be playing or not.

I sighed as I stretched, reaching over to grab my water glass on the side table.

I'll have to get an advil, this headache is killing me

I couldn't remember much from last night aside from the fight that I had with Pilar.

Let's just say it wasn't the best night and my mood right now showed that.

Pilar had been asking me questions, asking what was up with me, and to be honest I don't really know, I don't want to look into in either, but I've been feeling down for the past few weeks.

I asked her why she came home so late last night since she had told me that she would be home all night. She got all defensive and I honestly don't know what's going in right now, and quite honestly I don't care anymore.

Our relationship had been going down hill the past few weeks. I love pilar.. right?

I moved the covers and shifted out of bed, walking towards the closet for a pair of sweat pants.

I opened the door and made my way to the kitchen, smells of bacon and hash browns filled my nose.

I squinted my eyes and looked to see a shirtless iker behind the stove. He seemed to sense my confusion.

"Fabio, pepe, Lucia and I stayed over, remember? I made us breakfast although Lucia is still asleep" I looked to the living room to see Fabio and pepe both lying on the couch practically ontop of eachother, clearly hungover.

"Go wake lucia" iker commanded.

Her name made me roll my eyes and then an evil smile broke out on my face.

I was going to use this opportunity.

I grabbed a bucket out of the drawer ad filled it with water.

"Oh no Sergio not toda--" I made sure to cut iker off.

"My house my rules" I ran to the freezer and grabbed ice and filled the bucket with ice.

I tested the water. yes it's freezing.

I carefully walked up the stairs and down the hall to the guest room and creaked the door open.

Lucia's pov---

I heard him coming and squinted my eyes open. he was carrying a bucket, most likely full of ice water since he has pulled this prank before.

Now it was my turn to get Sergio back.

I had made sure that my phone was in my pocket so that it would get soaked and he would have to buy me a new one.

He creaked into the bedroom, no doubt trying to be quiet and failing misiberally.

He was getting closer and I made sure to look dead asleep, lying on my back so that my head was facing up.

I better not screw this us, I better not flinch.

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