Late changes

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--Marc's pov--
--2 months later--

Lucia and I had Been secretly seeing eachother for the past 2 months and let me say I was in pure bliss. I only would get to see her when I went to Madrid, but I tried my hardest to get there as much as I could.
I loved being around her, she made me so happy and she was so easy to talk too, It was always difficult because we had to hide from the press all the time, due to the fact that her manager and Sergio Ramos's manager had agreed that they date for publicity.
I shuddered whenever I thought of Ramos. Everything about him I hated, but I had to be nice to him, because he was going along with me and Luc for some reason, I will always be suspicious as to why he is letting us go out secretly.
Maybe Lucia is right, maybe Sergio does actually hate her.. I don't know how anyone could though.
Today was the day I was meeting with lucia, she said she wanted to talk, and to be honest, I was a little bit worries because she has been acting a bit strange the past few weeks. I just want to get everything figured out so we can continue with out relationship.

Lucia's pov--
I couldn't help but smirk to myself when I realized I was seeing marc today.
We had been seeing eachother for the past little while and I was thoroughly enjoying it. I was going to move to Barcelona with him but I don't want Sergio getting in trouble with his manager.
My stomach tightened when I thought of sergio.
He wasn't the same, he wasn't angry, he wasn't happy, he wasn't sad. he wasn't anything, he was like a drone, all he did was wake up, go to football, do some interviews, go clubbing and then sleep.
I barely saw him, It made me sad seeing him like this, but I still couldn't get over the way marc made me feel, he was a best friend but more than that obviously.
I walked downstairs and went to the kitchen where I saw a note on the table.
Sergio always left me a note in the morning saying "don't forget to eat" and for some strange reason, I always ate. I was compelled to listen to it, because it was Sergio.
He had left his dirty dishes in the sink, and I washed them, leaving them to dry, until I felt a familiar pair of hands wrap around my waist.
"Marc" I blushed and turned around to kiss his soft lips.
His green eyes looked deep into mine, but they shifted to the note on the table.
"Don't forget to eat?" he gave me a questioning look.
I quickly grabbed the note and crickled it into a ball.
"It's nothing" I felt my skin heat up.
I guess I hadn't exactly told marc about my old eating disorder. I just felt like it was only something that close friends should know.
'Lucia he is your boyfriend' I thought to myself as I pushed the thoughts away.
"Lucia what's going on?" Marc's eyes were full of concern and i felt as if he meant the question in a broad term.
Ok I'll admit I had been a bit strange the past few weeks, that's just because I've just been feeling a bit guilty, because of how Sergio had changed.

'Lucia shut up, Sergio probably never thinks of you, why are you making his problems about you?'
I thought to myself .
"I've just been tired, I think I might have mono" I lied and cracked a fake smile.
He seemed to buy it though.
That's one thing, I knew it was terrible but marc was easy to lie too.
"Ok bonita, are you coming to the game tonight? It's Real Madrid vs barca so it should be intense" he added a wink to me and pulled me close to him.
"Of course I'm coming" I smiled enthusiastically and nuzzled my head into his firm chest.
I went to the stadium with Becca, Dane and Malia.
Malia was taking care of Cristiano jr, and dinis, Cristiano's nephew.
Dane had a break and came up to visit becca, Malia had filled me in on their back story and I felt as if they still loved eachother, they just didn't want to admit it to themselves.
I found my seat beside Malia.
I fixed my hair as the players warmed up.
I tucked in my coral tanktop into my leggings and brushed my hands against by ribs.
That's when I remembered. I had forgotten to eat today.
I guess it doesn't matter, I don't need the food anyways.
I looked at Sergio who was stretching beside varane. His mouth was in a straight line, no emotion on his face at all.
It scared me a bit.
I saw him look up at me and I gave him a tiny wave.
He grinned a fake smile that the camaras bought but i didnt. I knew a fake smile when I saw one, especially on sergio.
I looked over at marc who was joking around with Malias uncle dani.
Marc ran up behind a shorter player and jumped on his back.
I couldn't help but laugh as they collapsed on the pitch and the Barcelona coach scolded them.
I looked to see neymar chuckling to himself as he swatted Marc's Chest and fixed his own hair.
The teams went back to the dressing room to change into their jersey, but they both walked out afterwards.
I looked over to see malia, Denis and jr all waving at Cristiano.
He gave them his winning grin.
I smiled at them, I loved Malias and Ronnie's relationship.
I looked at Sergio, same face, the face I wish was smiling.
Chicharito and Kroos were grinning as pepe made a funny face.
Fabio was on the bench, knee injury.

The game started and I could already tell it was going to be a rough match.

Sergio's pov---
All I had my eyes on was marc.
His stupid bony face. I honestly felt like punching him again, but I know I couldnt, or else my manager would skin me alive.
It's a good thing he didn't know about how Marc and Luc were actually dating.
I guess I didn't tattle because I knew my manager would blame me for this, that I wasn't paying enough attention to lucia. Also it was nice seeing her happy with marc, I clearly didn't make her happy so I guess I would let her be happy with marc.
I looked over to her.
I wonder if she read my note, I wonder if she ate today.
She was getting thinner and I didn't like it, I worried for her.
'Shut up sergio, she broke your heart' I thought to myself as I kicked a shot from neymar out of the box.
"Head in the game Ramos" iker yelled at me, making me focus more.
Cristiano took the ball to their side but pique kicked it to the corner.
I ran up the field into the box, waiting for Kroos to kick it to me so I could head it into the net.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw marc watching me and slowly moving towards me.
"What are you doing to her" his voice was rough and full of anger and overconfidence.
"Fuck off man" I nudged infront of him as Kroos took his run up.
"Don't tell me to fuck off" Marc's voice was ever more rough.
The ball soared through the air, it was coming towards me.
"I can do whatever I want" I mumbled back before getting my approach to head the ball into the net.
I jumped up, the ball heading right for my forehead, and that's when I felt the elbow hit my back.
My body filled with pain, as I'm sure a muscle teared.
I fell to the ground and suddenly was full of anger.
I hadn't felt this kind of emotion in months and honestly it felt amazing to feel something.
I heard the whistle blow but I didn't care.
The ball had hit the cross bar and Barcelona goalie was setting up for a goal kick.
Ronaldo told me to pull back to defence but I couldnt
My eyes were glued on marc.
"What the fuck was that, that was a dirty move you scum bag" I roared, adrenaline coursing though my body.
"Yeah well I don't care, just leave Lucia alone ok?" marc immediately came up and pushed my chest.
"I am leaving her alone. I don't talk to her"
I pushe him back, a little bit harder this time.
"Easy man" he tried looking down at me but I was taller.
"Your the one who came up to me, fucker."
Our faces were inches apart, out foreheads touching as we looked angrily into eachothers eyes.
"You are so fucked up, your just jealous that she's moaning my name, not yours" a smirk grew on Marc's face as he backed away triumphantly.
I could feel James' arms pull me away but I was bigger than him and got out of his arms.
I couldn't let him get away with what he said.
"You don't deserve her you little cunt" I roared an the ref blew the whistle.
The pain in my back was coming back but I tried to ignore it as the ref was walking towards me and marc.
By this time, the play had stopped.
"I may not deserve her, but I deserve her a lot more than you do" marc walked over to me, pushing Xavi and neymar to the side.
" I'm fucking her, and your not, how does that make you feel" his sadistic grin was back and I couldn't help it.
I spit on his leg and that's when the ref lost it.
He pulled out a red card but before he could, I felt Marc's head smash into my mouth and my lip immediately started to bleed.
I pushed the hair out of my face and pulled my headband up and tried to get to marc but he was being dragged away by pique and Iniesta while Ronnie and pepe were pulling me back.
we continued shouting profanities at eachother as we were being pulled away.
"Red card mr ramos" the ref called, meanwhile marc got only a yellow.
Ronnie tried complaining to the ref and the ref gave him a yellow card aswell.
I couldn't help but smile at what I had just done.
I know I would have a lot I consistencies but at least I felt something.
The pain in my back grew as I walked off the pitch.
My mouth was full of blood and my head began feeling foggy.
And that's when everything went black.
what do you think will happen next😏😏😏
And who's your fav character so far!
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