Chapter 1: Accidental Encounter

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Oikawa POV

It had only been a week since we lost to Shiratorizawa, and I didn't feel like going anywhere. But my mother had recently met up with an old friend from high school, and was now insistent on me coming along to meet her family. I frowned the whole way, and she commented that I was being overdramatic, which I wasn't. We had lost yet again to Shiratorizawa, and it pissed me off. Upon pulling into the driveway she received a call, she answered it happily greeting the friend whose house they were in front of. I rolled my eyes, my mother was talking animatedly about how excited she was to see the other while she was in the damn driveway, and she called me over dramatic. Hearing my scoff she shot a glare at me, sending chills down my spine, this woman was a demon.We got out after she finally ended the call, and went up to the door, knocked and then heard a faint 'Be right there' and after a few seconds the door was opening. Imagine my surprise when I found one Hinata Shouyou, smiling extremely bright, that is until he saw me. Hinata then promptly slammed the door in our face, causing me to gasp in shock and my mother to laugh."Shouyou I can't believe you did that." I heard faintly from the other side of the door before it opened again "I'm sorry about that please come in " She had slightly darker hair than Hinata, but the same lovely eyes...lovely?"Oh it's fine, your son acted appropriately." My mother smiled as she glanced at me. "He must know my Tooru well if that was his first reaction." She said laughing"Mother!" I said in shock, how could sheI then followed the two chatting ladies to the dining room where an identical mini copy of Hinata sat. She smiled shyly at me before getting down from her chair and running off. I presumed to wherever Hinata was because, shortly after I heard their laughter from down the hall. I was taking my seat when he appeared, he came over sitting across from me and avoiding eye contact. This would be fun......

Hinata POV

Mom said we were having guests, so when I heard the knock I instantly sprang to get it. Only to slam it shut after opening it. Outside stood the Grand King. What was he doing here? I heard my mom coming to the front hall, having heard the door slam."Shouyou I can't believe you did that." She said, sending me a pointed look as I walked past her, as she went and opened the door apologizing to them for my actions. I could hear Mrs.Oikawa saying that I had responded correctly upon seeing her son, and smiled. I quickly went to the bathroom, looking over my appearance, not knowing why I even cared, when Natsu came running up to me."Shou-nii there's a prince here!" She whispered excitedly "Is he your prince?" "What?!?!" I asked in a whispered yell, how did my sister even think of that? Oikawa, my prince, No. Way. "Of course not, and he's not a prince." I said frowning at her"He's not?" She asked confused, turning her head to the side slightly "But he looks like one?""Never be fooled by people's appearance okay?" I said and she nodded solemnly"Okay now Princess, how about we go out and eat our cake as we meet mom's friend?" "Yay!" She squealed, giggling, and causing me to laugh also.Going back into the room I sat across from Oikawa, the only seat open, why couldn't it have been further away......I listened as mom and Mrs.Oikawa talked, laughing every now and then, but I wasn't really enjoying it. I could feel Oikawa's eyes as they bore holes in me as he tried getting me to talk with him, couldn't he take a hint."So Shouyou-kun, how do you know Tooru?" Mrs.Oikawa asked turning her attention on us"Oh I play volleyball at Karasuno so we've gone up against each other..." I said shyly knowing what was coming."You play volleyball as an Omega! That's amazing!" The women said smiling brightly, I could see Oikawa tense slightly at her words"Shouyou may be an omega but he's a starter." My mother said, cooing slightly as she patted my hair, I didn't mean to but I instantly leaned into the touch.Clearing my throat once I realized what I did, as all omegas always craved touch, I quickly looked away embarrassed at both my mother's words and my actions. I could feel Oikawa's eyes on me, pinning me where I sat. This was getting really uncomfortable...."That's very impressive, don't you think so Tooru?" His mother asked and I couldn't help but glance their way"Yes Hinata is working very hard and he's come a long way....though to think you're an omega." Oikawa mused, I could see the glint in his eyes as he caught my gaze.Damn. Very few people knew I was an omega. After all, not many people took kindly to Omega's playing sports. Only Ukai and Takeda, the third years, and Kageyama knew that I was an Omega. Everyone else just assumed I was a beta. And now Oikawa knows......."Anyways..." I said, trying to think of a way out of this "...I have to be headed up stairs, I have a math exam coming up and if I don't study I will be in big trouble..." I said bowing in apology to our guests "If you please-" I said headed to my room when I was stopped"Oh that's right, you have to make sure you pass or you won't be able to go to training camp. Maybe we should get you a tutor?" Mom said forgetting about the guests for a moment"Tooru why don't you help him? You're great at math." Oikawa's mother said, smiling as she looked between us, Oikawa smiled too....."Sure, lead the way Hianta." He said standing up "I'd be happy to help."There was no use in arguing, my mother was instantly too happy about it commenting about how wonderful it was, and Oikawa seemed set on it too. So reluctantly I led him upstairs and to my room, hating that he was going to be coming into my space.

Oikawa POVWhen my mother called him an Omega I was shocked, this fiery ball of energy surly had to be a beta. He didn't seem fragile at all, not like we're taught about Omegas....Then again when you take in his size, small hands, and femine made sense in the way. I sniffed the air slightly, he smelled like strawberries with hints of citrus. I rather liked his scent, a took deeper breaths to smell more of it as I thought. When I first met Hinata I assumed he was a beta, with his speed and natural athletic ability it made since and I hadn't thought to question it. I'm sure no one has. Him being an omega makes so much sense though. Kageyama is a brat and there is no way he would spend time with people unless it benefited him. I thought he had settled but he didn' he found a perfect little omega and partner. I grinned at the thought of stealing his little queen. However my smile soon disappeared as soon as Hinata stood to leave. I couldn't let him leave, I needed to get closer to him. It would take some time but i would slowly coax his omega to count on me, to make him want to be near me, and for that I needed him to stay so I could get closer to me.Thankfully my angel of a mother suggested I tutored him, I clung to the idea. Following him on his way to his room, this would be a perfect chance to get closer with him. I needed to gain his trust enough for him to want to see me again. I would get him talking about volleyball and make him an offer he can't refuse.....I paused at the door though, if Hinata was an omega he needed to invite me in, having an alpha crash his space wouldn't be good. Noticing that I hadn't come in he turned to me questioningly. He didn't understand why I had stopped."Are you going to invite me in?" I asked slightly annoyed"Oh!" Hinata said, eyes widening in surprise, "Um...come in...?" he said looking away, blushing slightly, I grinnedLooking around as I stepped in, I immediately noticed his scent was strong, filling the room. I unconsciously let some of mine out, causing him to shiver. Looking I could see a bunch of volleyball posters, including one of him.... Then I looked towards his bed. Hinata's nest looked cozily set up in the middle, and to no surprise Hinata went right over and plopped down in it. I decided to sit on the other side of his room at the table, having learned from Iwaizumi not to go near one. After all, the last time I went near Iwaizumi's nest I almost got my head cut off....."So Hinata math?" I said after a few moments."Math..." Hinata agreed by getting up and sitting across from me, I could tell he wasn't happy about leaving his nest....Halfway through his homework for this week his mother stepped in and said they wanted to take Natsu to the park and asked if we wanted to come. I of course told her that Hinata was doing great and we should really finish, leaving him no room to argue, and scoring me time completely alone with him. Now to put my plan into action.....

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