Chapter 4: Aftermath

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Oikawa POVHianta and I sat like that for about an hour before I could remove my figures, they were covered in slick so I whipped them on my jeans before using my new found ability to use both my hands to rearrange Hinata. He looked exhausted, but thankful it seemed the heat was subsiding. My joy over my plan was short lived as I heard the noise of a car pulling in and the door downstairs, any moment our mothers will be rushing to use but they of course are way too late. As if on cue our mothers burst into the room. My mom was mad, and in pure shock by what I had done. And Shouyou's mother, she was absolutely livid. Her eyes bore into me, for a beta she was scarier than any alpha i've ever seen. When she went to lunge at me my mother stopped her, after all Shouyou was in my lap and she would have to move him to get to me, and that shouldn't happen. I was his alpha now, and with us being freshly matted, he needed to spend a good deal of time with me to settle properly into our bond. I protectively wrapped Shouyou into my arms more, he was mine, and even if she tried I wouldn't let go of him......They stared at me for a while, not moving or knowing what to say, my mother holding on to Shouyou's so she didn't rip my eyes out. I had just claimed Shouyou, and he had been willing otherwise it wouldn't have worked, but they didn't know what to do. Shouyou passed out in my lap, coming down from his heat..... They must think I tricked him while he was in heat, and I had. It annoyed me, but that was the truth. When he was back to normal, he would hate me. I had known that going in, after all he had just been a means to the end of making Tobio suffer, but it still bothered me somehow. It was probably because I was now linked to him forever......"Tooru what have you done?" My mother was the first to ask she was now deciding on how to react was pissed also, her strong alpha scent seeping out in anger, it was repulsing compared to Shouyou's scent"I mated with Shouyou." I said stating the obvious"How dare you!" His mother yelled, "You have no right to!""I have every right!" I roared back growling as I pulled my mate closer, who do she think she is, he's mine and it was perfectly acceptable "I did nothing wrong, Shouyou had wanted it to, otherwise we wouldn't be bonded." I spat at her"You coerced him in his heat!" She accused "What you did was practically rape!"I flinched at this. I knew it was true, Shouyou hadn't been in the mindset to say no. Not while in heat, which is why it had been so easy. But that didn't change anything."Leave." I growled at them before nuzzling into Shouyou's neck, taking in his wonderful scent"What?" Shouyou's mom was taken aback, and then got angrier "The only one leaving is you now let go of my son or I will make you." "Try it." I growled again"Calm down right now, both of you." My mother said come to stand between us.She must have felt conflicted, as an alpha she would understand that Shouyou was now mine, as a mother she would protect me, as a friend she would support Shouyou's mom, and as a person....she would be downright appalled by what i'd done......Before I could say anymore Shouyou started to stir in my arms, waking up from the commotion. I dreaded for him to open his eyes, because while he was still slowly coming down from his heat, he was no longer in it. Which meant he would be himself, not an omega wanting their alpha. And he would be pissed at finding out that I was now his alpha......Hinata POVI felt weird..... I was tingly all over but it was also painful. My neck hurt and felt like it was on fire, and my head throbbed. Groaning, I slowly sat up, I was being helped, and noticing that it was Oikawa holding me, I started freaking out. That's when the memories, vague and hazy as they were, came rushing back. My heart, Oikawa being there, me calling him by his first name....and then....oh no. No no no no no no no. NO. I tried to get out of Oikawa's arms but he held me tight, and moving sent shots of pain through my body. I started crying, this couldn't be happening. No, I couldn't be mated with the Grand King. I wouldn't accept it."Shouyou..." Oikawa called, I jolted at the name, hating the way it sent shivers down my spine, then I got mad."Let go of me!" I screamed at him trying to push out of his arms but to no avail, he was stronger than me."Calm down Sho-" He started but I cut him off yelling at him"Don't call me that! You don't get to call me that!" I yelled kicking my legs and swinging my arms as best as possible, ignoring all the pain, how could this happen? "Let go of me damn it!"Oikawa just tightened his hold on me, refusing to let go. We probably spent a good ten minutes of me trying to fight my way out of his arms, of Oikawa sitting there and letting me hit him and trying to push away, but after that I was too weak and in pain to fight anymore. I dissolved into crying and cursing at him. I hated Oikawa and I would never accept this. I would live my life as a lone omega, I didn't need a mate. Sure as hell not one named Oikawa Tooru.Oikawa POVI knew it would be bad. But holding Shouyou as he fought desperately to get away from me, and then as he cursed at me while crying. It hurt, I knew it was the bond causing most of the pain, at least I hopped so anyways. Our parents just stood there watching us, Shouyou hadn't even noticed them and I didn't care that they existed. Only one person mattered right now and that was my mate, forced or not. He needed comforting and then we needed to spend time together so our bond settled without troubling us later on.I glanced at our mothers, meeting my mom's eyes she nodded before pulling her friend out of the room. There was nothing either of them could do, I made sure of that, we were mates and that was final.I rubbed circles into Shouyous back as he cried, hands muffling his sobs and unhearable curse words towards me. I knew this would happen but I felt bad.....I tried releasing my scent, having read it can calm one's omega, but it only made Shouyou angry. I sighed, not knowing what else to do but sit there holding him. I knew that he probably expected me to say sorry, but I wasn't. I had planned to mate with him, and there was no reason to act like I hadn't, that would just hurt him more in the long run."Why?" Shouyou sobbed not looking at me still"Because I wanted to hurt Tobio." I said bluntly"I hate you, let me go, I don't care if we are technically bonded. YOU'RE NOT MY MATE." Hinata said, looking up and growling the last words.I knew I shouldn't but I had been pushed past my point. I flipped us so Hinata lay flat on his back, me hovering over him. I could see the look of fear in his eyes, but it should be there. I was an alpha, I was HIS alpha. He couldn't just say things like that, say that he wasn't my mate, because he was."Listen Shouyou-" I started but he started to scream"DON'T-" I decided to scream louder "YOU ARE MY MATE!" I saw him flinch and instantly lowered my voice, damn this was hard, "I know you don't like it, but you are. That's final. We're mated, my bite on you proves it. It doesn't matter that you accepted while under the influence of your heat, you accepted and that's final''"I don't care about your stupid bite." He spat the words at me "You are not and will never be my mate.""You realize I can force you into doing whatever I want right?" I asked and he flinched again, of course he knew, everyone knewI am an alpha, and whether he wants to admit it or not my bite on his neck makes him my mate. If I want him to do something, no matter what it is, he is bound to do it. I knew it, our parents knew it, and he knew it. He was mine, and if he did not comply I could use whatever means necessary to force him to.Of course while this was the law, it didn't make it right. Just like how I coerced Shouyou in his heat wasn't right. I never planned to make him do anything that he didn't want to do again, but he had to accept I was his mate, I wouldn't let him think otherwise."You're my mate...." I said even quieter this time, almost whispering "I don't plan on doing anything else you don't want, but you're my mate and that's final." I knew that I really just wanted to yell it till he understood, but yelling at him wasn't what I wanted, nor what he neededShouyou nodded, though I'm sure more out of fear than him actually agreeing, but still it was a start. Sitting up I got off him, and he instantly scurried away, however he stayed in his nest. Realizing that I too was in it I decided to get out. I sat on the edge of the bed, just outside the nest. Having me out of it seemed to make him relax some. It was no surprise, his nest was a safe place, and I had ruined it."I won't lie to you." I said turning to him, he stiffened slightly causing me to sigh "I did this for revenge on Tobio, I decided that I would do so by taking what was his and making it mine.""Thats ridiculous, Kageyama and I are nothing more than friends and volleyball partners." Shouyou scoffed rolling his eyes at funny he didn't realize"Maybe you didn't see it that way but he did." He looked shocked, I thought he had figured out Tobio loved him but guess not "A lot of people saw you as his. But you're not. You're mine now and he can never have you."Shouyou didn't say anything, instead choosing to stare at a pillow intently. I could see the gears turning as he wrapped his head around this. See when he understood and then watched a mix of anger , sadness, confusion, and even hate cross his face."Look I know you don't want this, and I'm not gonna force you into anything else. I simply wanted Tobio to suffer and now he will."And me?" Shouyou asked "What do I do now, you have ruined my life." I flinched, that was harsh."The only thing I ruined is you and Tobio, nothing else.""Nothing else!" Shouyou yelled, head snapping up in my direction, his eyes showing his anger "I'm a claimed omega. In one word I have to do whatever you say. You have ruined my life. How am I going to tell my team, how do I tell my parents, what do I do from here with an alpha who I didn't want to be with and their only reason was for revenge!"He was right of course. But he would move past this. Or so I thought till I saw him start crying again, I think I broke him..... I moved closer to him but he pushed me away. I sighed, I wanted to help but there was nothing I could do. So instead I watched over him as he cried himself to sleep.

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