Chapter 28: Don't Leave

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Oikawa POV

Reaching my house seemed to calm me a bit, though my nerves shot right back up when we walked in and it was dead silent. My panic rose back up and I rushed through the house, not stopping to even kick off my shoes at the door. I ran up the stairs and down the hall. He had to be here! Bursting in his room I found him, passed out in his nest. I fell to my knees sobbing in relief. He was here! I crawled over to him and grasped his hand in mine, bringing up and kissing his hand, thanking whatever God was listening, that he was safe and here still. I could hear Iwaizumi sigh behind me, had he really been worried Shouyou would leave too? Or was I being that overdramatic? I shook my head, it didn't matter at least not right now, and clung even tighter to Shouyou's hand.

"Oikawa?" Shouyou's voice mumbled out in question, I must have woken him up with all my hysterics...

"Shouyou, I'm so sorry!" I cried, I needed him to forgive me "I'm so sorry for what I said, please forgive me, please don't leave!"

"Oikawa I-" Shouyou sounded shocked, I'm sure my outburst seems so far out of place but....I couldn't lose him!

Hinata POV

I woke up to the sound of crying, and this weird sense of someone needing me. Opening my eyes I found Oikawa, he was kneeling at the edge of my bed, clinging to my hand as he cried. What? Why was he crying? It didn't make sense. Behind him I saw Iwaizumi, looking shocked and like he didn't know what to do....and somewhat guilty?

"Oikawa?" I mumbled out in confusion, not sure what's happening

"Shouyou I'm so sorry!" Oikawa cried, squeezing my hand tighter. "I'm so sorry for what I said, please forgive me, please don't leave!" Oikawa cried

"Oikawa I-" I was so confused

Oikawa leapt at me then, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me to him. He was crying again as he nuzzled into my hair, and kept muttering how sorry he was and begging me not to leave.....What the hell happened today? Why did he think I was leaving, did my mom say something to him? No she wouldn't. So why? .........Is that why Iwaizumi looks guilty? Did he tell Oikawa I would leave, but why? None of this makes sense....

"Oikawa, I'm not leaving." I finally said, trying unsuccessfully to push him away

"You're not?" He pulled back then, looking me in the eyes sniffling, he looked terrible, at least ten times worse than this morning.....

"No I'm not..." I said shaking my head

This only started his crying all over again, him pulling me back to him and hugging me tighter.....I looked over his shoulder at Iwaizumi and he looked exasperated, shaking his head at his friend. When our eyes met he mouthed an 'I'm sorry' at me, so he did say something to cause this....but what exactly did he say? I would find that out later but for now I had to deal with Oikawa. Seeing him cry like bothered me. Slowly I wrapped my arms around him, rubbing his back in what I hoped was a calming manor. I wasn't sure I was helping since he just seemed to cry harder. I did my best to calm him, trying to imitate how he's calmed me down when I've had nightmares. Rubbing his back, telling him it was going to be okay. It eventually seemed to start working as his crying dyed down. I glanced back up to the doorway to see Iwaizumi was gone, he just left me to deal with this alone?!? Sighing, I focused back on Oikawa.

"Oikawa?" I asked after however long we've been sitting here, his crying having stopped age's ago, he hummed back at me "What happened today to upset you so much?" He cringed a bit at my question, was it that bad....

"I-" His voice broke, sighing he pulled back and looked me in the eyes, one of his hands coming up and cupping my cheek, he looked so broken... "Shouyou...I'm so sorry for the things I said. I don't know how to tell you how wrong it was....When I asked Iwaizumi, he said...." Oikawa shook his head closing his eyes as a few more tears fell

"What did he say?" I asked as I reached up and whipped his tears away, for some reason it bothered me so much that Iwaizumi had said something to hurt him...that anyone would say something to hurt him...

"..H-he said if-...he were he'd le-ave..." Oikawa hiccupped out as he cried more

So that's where that came from.... Oikawa......I sighed and pulled him to me, hugging him and letting him cry. This has all gotten so messed up...

"I'm not leaving." I said as I ran my fingers through his hair trying to calm him

"Do you promise?" Oikawa asked pulling back just enough for our foreheads to touch

"I promise not to leave over this....." I said

I knew he heard the loophole there from the way he frowned, but he had to know I would leave at some point. I'm only supposed to stay till the end of the school year....

"Shouyou...." Oikawa calling my name drew my eyes up to meet his, he was staring at me... "What I said, you know I didn't mean that right?" He asked

"I know you say you didn't....." I bit my lip in thought, his words still hurt no matter how much he apologized and said he didn't mean it, it brought the same question to my head every time he said those words... "But why did you say them if you didn't mean it?" I asked, holding my breath in fear for the answer

"Shouyou I...."

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