Chapter 16: Family Day

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Hinata POV

Oikawa and I were watching tv in the living room, well I wasn't really watching it, more like staring off into space in the direction of the tv. I was excited. My family should be here any minute and we're going out for lunch, just us. I haven't had time to breathe at all since Oikawa marked me, and now I will. I couldn't sit still, my anticipation killing me. The second the doorbell rang I shot up. Having only taken a few steps toward the door by the time Mrs.Oikawa had greeted them and let them in, Natsu was barreling towards me. I happily knelt down and opened my arms, the second she barreled into me I was hugging her back. I had missed her so much. I could feel my eyes watering but blinked back the tears, I wasn't gonna cry again. I could feel others' arms around me and knew it was mom and dad. I took in a deep breath and relaxed at my family's scent. Once we were done being a heap on the floor we stood up, my sister was still clinging to me though. I laughed lightly as I ruffled her hair. My parents exchanged a few more pleasantries with Oikawa's. They greeted Oikawa too, I hadn't noticed but he was standing a bit away looking nervous. He greeted them back and waved at Natsu who smiled brightly and waved from where she clung to me.

"Are you ready to go honey?" Mom asked, placing her hand on my check, I nodded after nuzzling into the touch a bit, I missed them so much

"Aren't they coming too?" Natsu asked once we started making our way out.

"No it's just us today" Mom said, smiling at her even though I was sure she was frowning at the thought on the inside.

"Why not?" Natsu questioned tilting her head to the side and looking between us and him "You said it was a family lunch? Aren't they family?" Natsu was confused and I didn't blame her she didn't know or understand, to her our relationship was that of a normal mated pair, I sighed

"She's right...." I said and drew every pair of eyes, this was mostly so she didn't think anything bad about being mated but she wasn't exactly wrong, "Maybe do you....Do you guys want to come?" I asked as I looked at Oikawa and his parents.

"That's very sweet Shouyou-kun but we have to go to our daughters today to help watch my grandson...but Oikawa..." She meant her and Mr.Oikawa were busy but Oikawa was free...

"I would love to but-" Oikawa was gonna make a lie as an excuse

"If you're just saying no since you think you're not welcome then don't, you are more than welcome to come." I said and he widened his eyes in surprise at me.

"O-Okay...yeah sure let me grab my stuff really quick." Oikawa nodded and bolted upstairs real quick, then once he was ready we left, to keep up appearances I held his hand with Natsu clinging to my other side giggling and talking happily.

I hadn't really wanted him to come, but for Natsu.....She didn't need to see the bad this world had to offer yet. That not all mates are in love and happy like our parents are. So Oikawa would come and I'd do my best. It wasn't that bad for us either, I had been feeling like hell all week, but after holding his hand all day yesterday and sitting next to him at lunch, the touch made it a bit better, and the scenting..... So I could do this, I could deal with this.....The only question was would lunch end in a blow up like yesterday, after all mom didn't look too happy...

Oikawa POV

Hinata has been fidgety all morning, only stopping once his family arrived. They were just about to leave when Natsu said something. They all looked shocked at the littlest Hinata, but Shouyou was the first to recover. He invited us! He was inviting me? I thought he would for sure run out and away from me at the first chance. But I quickly realized this was for his sister, it had to be. He must want to shelter her as long as possible, the truth was hard to take. So I agreed and got ready really fast, but even knowing this wasn't truly him wanting me, I was nervous as hell. Going back downstairs we left, I was debating asking him for his hand since his parents were right there but before I knew it Shouyou took my hand as we walked. I was shocked, and also nervous since Mrs.Hinata didn't look too pleased. But I let our joint hands swing lightly between us as a wonderful warmth settled through me. It was like holding his hand yesterday, just wonderful.....yesterday.....I had slept better last night then I had in awhile, was it because we had done more touch then normal or was it because I scented him? Both?

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