Chapter 27: Decisions

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Tuesday (Mated for 16 days)

Hinata POV

Things the next morning were didn't matter how much Oikawa apologized...The things he said, the wrong accusations he made..... It hurt. It had felt like being torn apart. I sighed... Oikawa had crossed a line, one that can't just be uncrossed. But I accused him of things too.... The thought of his fans and the way they treat him and how he returns their favor....It bothers me, like the waitress at the restaurant.....But i'm not sure why.... Could it be the bond making me feel these things? It makes sense.... So how do I stop this hurt, how do we move on..... A knock at my door jarred me from my thoughts

"Shouyou...." Oikawa called from the door, I ignored him but he still came in slowly "....We need to talk...." Oikawa's voice was so soft, he sounded almost fragile....I thought about sending him away but that fragileness....

"I don't know what to say to you right now." I said honestly

Oikawa sighed, coming in all the way and sitting on the edge of my bed. He looked bad, dark bags under his eyes, usually perfect hair a mess....Did he sleep last night, eat? Why did he look so broken?

"Shouyou....." Oikawa started but just shook his head. "I'm so sorry about yesterday...none of it was true, I don't think that about you." His voice cracked, it was like he was pleading for forgiveness, it sent shocks of hurt through me and I had to fight myself not to comfort him...

"Then why did you say it?" I asked, hardening myself, "Why did you treat me like that?"

"......I-" He looked down, as if searching the floor for answers "I'm not sure....I don't understand myself....."

"If you don't even know why you said it, how can you say you're sorry?" I asked, my anger at the matter and frustration bubbling into my words "How can you say you don't know but treat me like that?"

"Shouyou..." Oikawa eyes meet mine, I could see just how confused he was and how he really meant it when he said he was sorry "I-...I not sure why I said those words...I don't know if it was my jealousy or ego...or fear, I don't know.....But I do know i'm sorry. I know I don't think of you that way, and I never meant to hurt you like that." He said looking me dead in the eyes

"I need some time to think....." I looked away from him, I wanted to forgive him but I couldn't...

Oikawa nodded and left my room, probably to get dressed for school.....I really didn't want to go today..I made a decision then to text my mom, asking if I could skip school and see her. Every second that passed, waiting for her to reply, I feared she'd say no. That I had to go to school. Thankfully she said I could skip and she'd be here in an hour and a half. Nodding I got up and got ready, throwing on jeans and a shirt. Then running down stairs to let Mr and Mrs.Oikawa know. When I arrived downstairs I could tell they knew what happened. The way they looked at me....Iwaizumi too.... I had to take a deep breath before taking my seat.

"My mom is coming to get me in an hour." I announced, getting a look from Oikawa but ignored it

"Oh where are you guys going?" Mrs.Oikawa asked

"I'm not sure yet.."

"Well I'm sure no matter what you do you'll have a nice time." Mrs.Oikawa smiled at me and patted my shoulder in what I'm sure she thought was reassurance.

"What about school?" Oikawa asked glancing at me seeming worried, I could read the subtext though, he wanted to know what about our necessary hours of touch

"It will be fine." I stated simple and went back to eating.

My mom arrived shortly after Iwiazumi and Oikawa left, headed for school. I was so happy to see her, running to her and hugging her. She immediately knew something was wrong, and when she asked what happened, I bursted into tears and told her everything. She was so upset that I had to go through that, and kept apologizing for allowing this to happen. It wasn't her fault though, and I told her as much, none of this was anyone's fault but Oikawa's....and possible mine? Once I had calmed down we left, we decided to go shopping a bit, it always cheered me up when we went shopping. Going to the mall I remembered when I came here with Oikawa and the others. I shook my head to forget, he can't affect me like this, I wont allow him to keep hurting me. Mom and I spent the day going from store to store. She insisted on buying me new clothes, since my pants apparently looked like they were 'too old' but really she was just trying to cheer me up. We ended up leaving the mall that day with a backseat full of bags, most of them for me, but we also got Natsu her and dad things as well.

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