Chapter 32: Nightmares Are Back

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Hey Loves, sorry my updates have been so short, but i've been super busy with my work picking up. I didn't want to leave you completely so here it is. I'm slowly gonna start adding more information about things for mating and after they mated, just the details of the mating cycle and stuff in my omega verse fic. Let me know if you have any questions about my omega verse dynamic. And also tell me your thoughts so far, like what do you think these nightmares are all about? Why isn't Oikawa sleeping next to Hinata making them better? And is the team right about them making progress and getting closer, even though they don't know about the nightmares? And with training camp just around the corner what will you think will happen? Let me know your thoughts, I love hearing from you guys. I appreciate everyone who read my fanfictions and want to say thank you to you guys for all your love and support. Love you guys, bye for now..... <3


Oikawa POV

Shouyou didn't come out of his room for dinner or touch, when I had checked on him he had been fast asleep and following the suggestion of my mom and Iwaizumi, I left him alone. Something was wrong with him, and had I not been so caught up with my ridiculous embarrassment over what I'd done I would have seen it. Heck I've been ignoring him practically all day, maybe I accidentally missed something that would have prevented it. Sighing I layed down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Iwaizumi asked me what I wanted for Shouyou and I again, he had this look on his face when he asked it..... I wonder what he's thinking....

Shouyou and I...... It's hard to understand why exactly, my only guess is that the bond is making me think this way, but I don't want him to leave. Like ever. I want to be near him as much as possible. When I'm not, I'm antsy and jittery and can't think of anything other than him. But he'll eventually leave. This is only temporary, and I'd never force him to stay. Plus I can't really say I don't want him leaving when I'm the one that will be going off to college next year. I had done some research and most mates can live together in college dorms....but Shouyou and I aren't like most mates. Even if we both wanted that, just to stay around each other to make it easier....His parents would never allow it, and he had school of his own too... I could pick a closer college, instead of one in Tokyo...I really thought nothing through when I did this....

Shouyou....What would he want to do? He'd probably never want to see me again if possible, but he couldn't just avoid me either. Our bond, once settled fully, won't make it a necessity to be near each other and do touch all the time...but we will still need to be around each other, at least a couple times a month....and then there's his heat.....It would be worse now that were mated, it won't just stop after a single knot or a few days like before your mated. No he will have a heat for a minimum of two week, but could last longer, if what I've been reading up on is right. It's not like I'm delusional enough to think he'd want to spend his heat with me like that, but he might want someone to at least bring him food and other things he needs and to do touch. Sure he has his family but...depending on how bad they get he would need his mate near him at least....This was all so much. I didn't know what to do or think as of right now. How was I supposed to plan this future that involved him when he wants nothing to do with me?

I was laying there thinking like that when I felt it. Like before there was a need to get to Shouyou. So I rushed to his side, fearing it was like before, I didn't even knock on the door as I entered. Shouyou was tossing and turning in bed, whimpering....he was having another nightmare. Lightly I shook his shoulder, calling his name, it took a couple tries but he jolted awake. I didn't even have time to say anything before he was jumping into my arms again, just like last time, bawling his eyes out. A million thoughts ran through my head as I tried to calm him. Was it the same nightmare? Was this worse? What brought it on? Was it training camp, it was in a week? I did my best to push my questions and worry away, wanting to be calm for Shouyou. He just cried into the crook of my neck, clinging to me as I whispered soft words. When he did finally calm down he tried to apologize but I wouldn't have it. He could keep me up every night if he wanted, I'd do anything for make this go away...anything

......I didn't stay the night this time.....I was sad a bit but I understood.... Instead I sat next to him, rubbing his back until he fell asleep and then went back to my room. But I didn't sleep, couldn't sleep. I stayed awake, prodding the bond between us for any signs of something wrong. I was afraid the second I closed my eyes Shouyou would need me but I wouldn't be awake to be there for him.....It wasn't till Shouyou was next to me again at breakfast did I finally allow myself to relax at all....

"You look like shit." Iwaizumi said after we dropped Shouyou off at his class "What's wrong?"

"Shouyou had a nightmare again last night...." I yawned

"Did you stay with him?" Iwaizumi questioned, there was something in the way he said it that was a bit he was looking for something in my answer..but I was too tired to read much into it

"No." I frowned, and he did too "Not overnight at least, I stayed with him till he fell asleep and then went back to my room...but I couldn't sleep." I said before yawning again

"Hmm.." Was Iwaizumi's response before we headed into class...

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