Chapter 10: After School Pt. 3

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Hinata POV

Iwaizumi was right, being scented had calmed me down. It was like a warmth was spreading through me. His scent smelt nice, refreshing and calming, like mint and honeyed tea. I really liked it. It was weird how calm I felt now, kinda wanting to just curl up and sleep, with the scent as a warm blanket around me.

"Is something wrong?" He asked

"No nothing were right I do feel a bit calmer and......" I said shaking my head, and then trailed off my words as i realized what I was about to say, how embarrassing

"And?" He asked raising an eyebrow

"It's nothing..." I said, noticing he was smirking lightly, he knew and was teasing me

"Really are you sure?" My checks went ablaze as he then let out more of his scent, laughing lightly at me

"Stop that!" I scowled glaring at him as I crossed my arms

"Only if you tell me what you were going to say."

"Fine..." I huffed "I was gonna say your scent was nice...." I mumbled under my breath, but he heard smiling and then ruffling my hair.

"That's nothing to be ashamed of, now let me- ." He started to say as he was turning away, probably to find Oikawa, but I stopped him by grabbing his sleeve

"Umm I was...umm if you..." I tried twice in a whisper, being scented felt so nice I was thinking he might like to be scented too, but I was embarrassed....

"What is it?" He asked turning back to me, in his eyes all I saw was a caring gentle look

"Well if you....Do you want..." I tried again but couldn't do it, shaking my head "Nevermind." I could feel myself blush even more somehow and turned away

"Shouyou.." He called my name and my eyes instantly snapped to his "Will you scent me?" He asked like it was nothing, but I was sure my face was now impossible red. I was gonna die of embarrassment....

Nodding my head, as I was afraid to speak, I shuffled closer to him. Iwaizumi leaned down to give me better access but I still had to stand on my tippy toes. Hesitantly I moved his collar back, pausing for only a second before I buried my nose in his scent gland. He shivered as I scented him, I could feel sparks going through me as well but not as intensely as when I was being scented. Then I copied what he did and rubbed my neck on his. I wasn't sure if I was doing everything properly, I was only imitating what he had done, this was the first time I had ever tried scenting someone.

Once I thought I had done enough I pulled back. Iwaizumi looked kida blissed out, seeming more relaxed than ever and at peace. His eyes were also slightly blown up. However after a few blinks everything seemed back to normal, I hope I did the scenting right, was he supposed to look so normal? Before I could consider those thoughts any, he was pulling me into another hug and held me. It was really nice, I hadn't gotten this much touch over the last few days. I had actually been really worried I would start to become touch starved but this fixed that.....for now at least a part of my brain nagged. But I didn't let that part of my brain ruin this. Smiling, I was about to cling onto Iwaizumi tighter when OIkawa burst through the door. His scent stunk, he was obviously pissed off.

"What did you do to my Shouyou?" He growled at Iwaizumi, eyes fierce as he glared at him, if looks could kill.....

At his words I froze. The words "My Shouyou" ringing in my ears. Sending shivers down my spine that I tried to fight, and my mating mark tingled. My brain supplied the events from when he mated with me, having called me that just before he bit me. But I also recalled earlier, my reaction wasn't as harsh though, could it have been because I was hurt? I pushed those thoughts away, turning instead to my anger over his possessiveness. He had no right to be mad, even if my goal was to piss him off.

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