Chapter 12: I Hate You.

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Oikawa POV

I threw the bottle of soap back into Shouyou's basket and stormed past him down the hall to my room. I was pissed, but I shouldn't be. Iwaizumi and I had just talked about this, so I just needed to calm down. I threw the door to my room open and then slammed it before starting to pace. Why couldn't Shouyou just smell like me, we were mates, he needed to deal with it. I shook my head, I needed to stop but it was so hard... There was a knock on my door, probably Iwaizumi coming to tell me off, huffing I stormed to it and threw it open.

"What Iwaizumi?!" I yelled

Hinata POV

Oikawa was pissed, growling at the soap he tossed it back into my basket and then stormed off. Down the hall I flinched as I heard his door slam open and then shut again. I was frozen shocked, I didn't get why he was so upset. Not just today but the other day as well. Its not like we were a real matted pair so it shouldn't matter, I frowned. Stupid ass he just needed to stop being dramatic and possessive, especially since he had no right to be. I went to walk past Iwaizumi, headed to my room, but he put a hand on my shoulder and I stopped. Looking at him questioningly, he was frowning a bit and his eyebrows were knit together.

"Shouyou... why did you use the scent removing soap, you'd normally only use it after a heat or something big, what's wrong?" Iwaizumi asked, I could hear the concern in his voice

"Nothing really..."I trailed off and thought about not telling him but decided I should "I just wanted to smell like me for a bit, just me...." The look he gave me hurt....pity....

"You know that it's not a good thing for you not to have Oikawa's scent over you." he said sternly

"I know but an hour or two wouldn't hurt anything..." I whined "It's not fair that I have to give up everything because of him, I don't want to smell like him, why can't I just have this?" I could feel the tears prick my eyes. I was finally crumbling apart from all this.....

Iwaizumi POV

Shouyou had started to cry, he was at a breaking point. Signing I pulled him to me hugging him and he hugged me back, crying into my chest. The mess Oikawa had created was just getting bigger, and it would for a are you gonna climb your ass out of this one Oikawa? Sigh again I decided to lend him a helping hand

"Shouyou, I know you're not happy about this, I can't imagine what you're going through, but you have to try a little." Shouyou went stiff in my arms and then hurriedly pulled back, a hard look in his eyes and a frown, tears still streaking down his face.

"You think that I should try? Try what?" Well shit I pissed him off... Shouyou pushed me away taking a few steps back "Try being a good little omega is that it? To forget about what Oikawa did? Well fuck that and fuck you and Oikawa!" Shouyou yelled and stormed past me, trying to help backfired.....sorry Oikawa....

Oikawa POV

"I didn't realize I had transformed into your young friend." My father said smiling lightly, he thought his dad joke was funny.....

"Oh I thought you'd be him..." I said frowning

"Expecting him to come and give you another lecture?" he asked as he walked in, my frown deepening. I think I would have preferred Iwaizumi's to the one I'm about to get.....

"Just say what you're going to please, I know you're here to yell at me." I huffed and went to flop on my bed as I waited

"Son, why were you so upset?" He asked and I rolled my eyes, I'm sure he knew but he wanted me to say it, how annoying

"Shouyou used a scent removing soap..."

"Is that the only reason?"

"He keeps getting my scent off him, not just today, but the other day he let Iwaizumi scent him!" I yelled sitting up, his face was unreadable and I found it more annoying

"Omegas scenting each other can be very calming." He said and I rolled my eyes

"I know" I huffed

"I know you do, so why is it upsetting you? You told me your reason for marking him, that you had no interest in him at all. So what's the issue?"

I don't know..." I said, placing my head in my hands "I can't stand that he smelt like Iwa and that he used a scent removing soap, I want him to smell like me. I want everyone to know he's mine, and I want to be around him. I want to hold him and....I don't know what wrong..." I finished shaking my head so I didn't say anything that would cross a line, especially with my dad present

"It's okay son, I know it's hard, for both of you. But you have to try and control your anger, this is a lot that's going on. You guys are freshly mated, and you'll have to find a balance. You can't just get upset at everything, and when you are upset the best thing to do is take a deep breath and work this out." My dad said coming over and placing a hand on my shoulder "Shouyou is going to be just as confused and unsure about things as you are and upset too, things didn't go in the best way possible, and you guys have a lot to figure out."

"I know.... It's just hard to stay calm, especially when he goes and does things like this...."

"When you're upset I want you to close your eyes and breathe, think of something calming and try again okay?"

"Okay....." I agreed but I doubted it would work.

With my agreement he said he believed in me and was rooting for me, whatever he meant by that, and then left. Taking another deep breath I got up and went to talk to Shouyou, passing an angry looking Iwaizumi on the way but I just shook my head when he tried to talk to me, I already had a lecture thank you.

I took another breath before knocking on Shouyou's door, waiting a bit for an answer but didn't get one, so I cautiously peeked my head in. He was curled up in his nest, back to me... his shoulders were shaking. Through our bond I could feel his anger and pain, his emotions were all over the place, he was anxious and high strung. Sighing I walked in and closed the door behind me, walking over and sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Shouyou, I'm sorry for being mad...." I said but got no reaction from him "I know i was wrong please talk to me...." I practically begged

Hinata POV

I stormed to my room and slammed the door, running to my nest and hiding in it. I was angry and hurt and sad and so many other things. I cried as I fumed over what happened. How unfair it was, all because I was an omega, all because Oikawa is an ass, all because I had a moment of weakness in a time of serious pain and need..... I heard the knock on the door, could smell Oikawa through it, but ignored him. Though he came in anyways, coming and sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Shouyou, I'm sorry for being mad...." He said but I refused to respond or acknowledge him "I know i was wrong please talk to me...." I could hear the plea in his voice and it struck something in my making me turn to him

"You said that last time too...." I said narrowing my eyes at him, I'm not gonna let him think he can say and do whatever he wants, I'm going to fight for myself

"I know...." Oikawa sighed and looked at the ground "Look I know it's my fault we're in this mess, and I'm trying, I am. But I'm not gonna get things right on the first try. To be honest I have no clue what i'm doing, and getting mad earlier and the other day.... It upset me you didn't smell like me, which I have no right to be upset about but its instinct. I couldn't control it, it made my skin crawl and blood boil, and I wish I didn't feel this way but I did. I can't promise that it won't happen again, but I can promise to try and do better." Oikawa said meeting my eyes

"I shouldn't have to be trapped in things because of you." I said my words harshly. "This is your fault and I hate this. I don't have my freedom. All I wanted was to smell like me for a bit and you ruined it just like you ruined everything else in my life. I hate you, and I don't care how much you try, it wont change what you've done, now get out. "I yelled and he sat there shocked.

I could tell my words hurt him, and I'm glad they did, I wanted them to. Slowly Oikawa stood, a soft sorry coming from him before he left. I curled back up in my nest, my emotions a mess, and cried myself to sleep yet again.....

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