Chapter 23: Green Eyed Monster Pt.4

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I know its probably weird to have so many parts to the green eyed monster thing but it is what it is. 


Oikawa POV

The club application form was killing me. Why did he have it? Iwaizumi assured me that it was nothing and that I was overreacting, but it was driving me crazy. I've almost asked him about it numerous times over these last few days, but ever since he agreed to play in the game there's been this stiff awkwardness between us. It's not affecting us doing touch, but Shouyou isn't talking much, it's like he's reseeded into himself, and I can't figure out how to fix this. Sighing I headed to wear the team seat, we were gonna watch Shouyou play together.

"Shittykawa you're late." Iwaizumi said hitting me in the back of the head after I sat down

"Iwa-chan mean!" I pouted rubbing the back of my head. "It's not my fault I kept getting caught up on the way here."

"Maybe if you didn't flirt with every moving object you would have been on time." Iwaizumi retorted hitting me again

"I can't help that my fans adore me." I scoffed back, he rolled his eyes and went to look at his phone.

Above the gym speakers rang out introducing the basketball team and student players, sending the gym into an uproar. Shouyou came running out in gym clothes, smiling and laughing with what seemed to be close friends. A pang of jealousy shot through me, he hasn't smiled at me like that. Heck he didn't even smile whenever I was around, it was like the sun wasn't shining, and now I was seeing a glimpse and it wasn't even directed at me......

Shouyou played surprisingly well, the basketball team seemed to have a similar response to his size as others have had in the past, but they shouldn't underestimate him. No, my Shouyou is far brighter and faster than anyone could imagine, and if you're not careful he will outshine everyone. Which is exactly what happened. This game is meant to showcase the basketball team and entertain everyone, but Shouyou stole the show. Leading the student team to putting up a very challenging fight, though the basketball team did win in the end. As everyone started getting up from their seats to leave, the team and I headed over to Shouyou.

"Hinata-kun thanks for joining us at the last minute." I heard the basketball captain say while we were still a bit away, I frowned as I quickened my step "I was wondering if I would be overstepping by asking you to join the basketball team."

"I'm sorry but I will have to decline, I'm not interested in playing basketball." Shouyou said

"I understand..." The basketball captain said as he started to turn away but when he caught my eyes as I was now only a few feet away he smiled "...If not to play, then maybe as a manager. We could always use a cute Omega manager hanging around." The guy smirked and reached out towards Shouyou, I saw red

Hinata POV

We lost, but it was okay. I smiled brightly as the others on my team showered me with praise, others from the basketball team coming over to do the same. It had been extremely fun and exhilarating, I hadn't been very active as of late, so it felt good.

"Hinata-kun thanks for joining us at the last minute." Hara-san said, walking over towards where I was "I was wondering if I would be overstepping by asking you to join the basketball team."

"I'm sorry but I will have to decline, I'm not interested in playing basketball." I smiled apologetically, there was something off I'm not sure what but something was putting me on edge, maybe it was the way he was looking at me?

"I understand..." Hara-san said and started to turn away, but he stopped "...If not to play, then maybe as a manager. We could always use a cute Omega manager hanging around." He smirked and then started to reach out to me.

I frowned, about to hit his hand away and tell him that he was overstepping and that I had no interest, the look in his eyes much too honest about what he was insinuating. However I didn't get the chance, as a hand rough grabbed his wrist and a growl being heard from behind me, everyone started to stare....turning I saw Oikawa. He looked more pissed off then I have ever seen him, his pupils dilated and canines showing.

"Oikawa......" I whispered in shock, Iwaizumi rushed up behind him grabbing his hand that had a death grip on Hara-san's

"Oikawa let go of him." Iwaizumi said as he tried to pull Oikawa's arm

"No." He growled, baring his teeth as he stared daggers at the basketball captain, who was growling and baring his teeth as well.

I could hear the commotion around us, students whispering, if this didn't stop now the teachers would be alerted and Oikawa would be in major trouble. I panicked for a second not knowing what to do, and then I did. I started moving almost like it was second nature. Reaching up I placed a hand on Oikawa's check, letting out my scent as I did, and then slowly I turned his head to look at me. He seemed a bit better but nowhere near calm.

"Oikawa you got to calm down..." I said quietly into his ear "Please calm down for me...." I wasn't sure what made me say these words, or guided my actions, but I hoped it worked

Oikawa growled at Hara-san as he wrapped his free hand around my waist and pulled me to him. I was shocked at first and had to fight the part of me that wanted to push him away. Instead I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself closer to him, cooing lightly in his ear and nuzzling into the side of his neck. This stopped his growling, but we weren't out of the woods yet.

"Oikawa you got to let go of him now." I could hear Iwaizumi say but Oikawa wasn't listening to him

"Captain calm down." Katsu was saying to Hara-san behind me.

Everyone was whispering and talking. Waiting to see what these two Alphas would do.....

"Tooru....." I called lightly, Oikawa became even more alert at the sound of his name " Tooru please let him go....lets leave...." I could hear the rumble of a growl start "Please Tooru for me..." I tried again and he stopped.

It was like a lifetime before I heard Iwaizumi sigh and felt Oikawa's other arm wrap around me. He then picked me up, I looped my legs around his waist, and took me out of the gym. He carried me outside and to the volleyball gym, sitting himself down on the bleachers. Not letting me go at all, instead he buried his head into my shoulder and held me tighter. I could hear his heartbeat, pounding in his chest. Was he scared? Of what?

"Oikawa...?"I whispered

"No." He stated, I was even more confused

"No?" I asked "No, what?"

"Don't call me that." He lifted his head, eyes locking with mine, he looked like he was about to cry

"What?" I was so confused

"You just called me Tooru. Why can't you keep calling me that?"

"What?" I was shocked. What was this?

3rd Person POV

Oikawa just started at Hinata not sure what to say. At the door of the gym stood the team, staring at the pair. They could all tell this might be a pivotal point in their relationship. The team wondered if Oikawa had released his feelings yet, if he would admit them to Hinata. Would Hinata accept him if he did? The team held their breath as Oikawa fished for his words, opening and closing his mouth a few times before he seemed to find them. The whole while Hinata stared at him, confused at his mate.

"I wish you would stop treating me like a stranger while you openly flirt with others and accept their advances." Oikawa glared at Hinata.......

***********************************************************************************************What do you think will happen now?

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