Chapter 17: Nightmares

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Hinata POV

Sunday night was pretty much uneventful, Oikawa and I did touch like we're supposed to, and we actually talked a bit. Mostly small talk, put it was better then me pouting in quiet I guess.... And then Monday morning we continued on with our normal day. Breakfast with Iwaizumi and his family, the three of us walking to school where they drop me off at class, them coming and getting me for breaks and walking me to lunch, doing the normal touch even though it felt a bit different then normal, and then me studying while they practiced, walked home the three of us and studied. Then like Iwaizumi had a few times before he stayed for dinner, I found out his parents aren't home much so he practically lives alone, which is why he eats at Oikawas a lot. I thought it was really nice and cool, they were practically brothers. Everything was great, normal, or what I had come to associate as normal now. But things quickly turned from normal to horrible at dinner.

3rd Person POV

"Oh by the way, Coach Irihata called me today, he said you had a training camp you're going to during summer break." Mrs.Oikawa said as they were in the middle of dinner, drawing everyone's eyes

"Yeah, we got invited to the Fukurodani summer training camp in a couple of weeks...." Oikawa said not really seeing where this was going, Iwaizumi was the only one to notice how Hinata tensed up

"How long are you going for?" Mr.Oikawa asked slightly eyeing Hinata then

"We're going for two weeks over summer break." Iwaizumi answered, and then it hit Iwaizumi and Oikawa, Hinata........

"Which is why your coach called, given the situation Shouyou-kun..." Mrs.Oikawa directed her eyes at him "You will have to go too, since you can't be away from Oikawa for very long."

Mrs.Oikawa gasped in shock as she saw Hinata was close to tears, they were all shocked, what could have caused this. Hinata stood and said to please excuse him before he quickly ran upstairs, Oikawa and Iwaizumi following him up

Hinata shut his door and then ran to his nest, the second he got there, his door opened revealing a very worried Oikawa, Hinata cursed himself for not locking the door..... He didn't want to deal with Oikawa right now, or Iwaizumi who he saw behind him. He would have to go to that stupid camp, and he didn't want to. Oikawa cautiously walked over, sitting at the foot of the bed right outside Hinata's nest, Iwaizumi hovered by the door wanting to see if he was needed before intervening.....

"Shouyou...." Oikawa said quietly, earning a glare from Hinata "What's wrong, if it's about the training camp I'm sorry you have to go..... But it won't be that bad, and the guys there are all really great players....I think you would find them really cool..." Oikawa tried

"I know...." Hinata said quietly

"You know what?"

"I know they're all really great players....." Hinata sighed, feeling the tears he had been holding back break away "Karasuno has gone to their training camps... and will be there....."

"Oh." Oikawa said he didn't expect that, for some reason he felt slightly angry but wasn't sure why "Well...." He was at a loss for words

"So you get to see all your friends, right?" Iwaizumi said as he moved and sat on the floor next to the bed "I bet they'll be happy to see you."

"I guess........" Hinata didnt say it but they both heard the but at the end of that sentence

"If you really don't want to go we won't." Oikawa said, seeing how upset Hinata was, he didn't like seeing him like this....

"What?!?!" Iwaizumi yelled in shock, not believing what he heard

"You can't skip it...." Hinata said and they both looked at him, they were sure he'd take Oikawa's offer but he didn't

"Are you sure?" Oikawa asked

" would be wrong of you to miss it, and unfair to your team....." Hinata said

"Okay then we'll go."

After that they went back down, Hinata apologized for rudely running away like that, they then finished their dinner before Iwaizumi left and Hinata and Oikawa were sent upstairs to do touch. Hinata was quiet again while doing touch, the previously gained small talk not there, no matter how much Oikawa tried.

Oikawa POV

This touch has felt different with Shouyou lately, I'm not sure how it was different but it was. Shutting his door, I stayed a moment, waiting to see if he was gonna cry like every other night, he did...... I had to stop myself from going inside, I hated hearing him cry..... Sighing, I walked to my room and laid down, my thoughts drifting to what they always do recently, what I want for Shouyou and I's future, ever since Iwaizumi Maki and Matsu asked me I lay awake thinking about it for hours...... It was hard to say, next year I was going to college, so the distance would be hard on any normal couple, and he already hates me.....I wonder if he will ever stop hating me...I sighed as I fell deeper and deeper into my thoughts but not coming up with answers.

It was probably an hour later that I bolted up in bed, something was wrong......Getting up I walked quickly towards Shouyou's room, hesitating slightly before giving two quick knocks and then entering. Shouyou was asleep, tossing and turning frantically and sweating buckets, a nightmare...... Must be really scaring him for it to put me on alert so bad..... I walked over and sat next to his nest and then reached over and shook him slightly. It took a couple tries before he woke up, I could see he was holding back tears....

"Sho-" I started but was cut off

"Oikawa!" he cried as he hurled himself at me crying, I was shocked but quickly hugged him

"It's okay I've got you....." I said rubbing his back as he curled into me crying, whatever that nightmare must have been horrible for him to react like this, he will be so pissed when he calms down and realizes what he's doing......

We stayed like that for a while, Shouyou crying into my chest, I wish I could take his fear away..... Once he had calmed down he pulled back slightly, a red tint to his cheek, he was embarrassed but not angry...

"I'm sorry..." He said quietly

"It's okay, was it a nightmare?" I asked and he nodded, "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really...." He looked down, I could tell he wanted to say more

"What is it.......?"

"I-uh well...." He shook his head "It's nothing...." It wasn't nothing, I think I knew what he wanted, it was what I wanted too. But there was no way he would ask

"Let me stay '' he froze and then cautiously looked up at me "I know this doesn't change things, it's just the bond that makes you want to feel safe and protected by me, so let me stay...."

".....Okay......:" He whispered after a few minutes

I could tell he wanted me to and yet at the same time didn't want me to stay. I understood what it was, he was scared and I could help him feel safe, but he was mad at me and didn't want me. I knew this, so when things go back to normal I won't be surprised, but for now a small part of me was happy to be his safe place, and that small part of me would be hurt when this was over. Cautiously he crawled back to his nest, only hesitating slightly before inviting me in, though when I laid down he wasted no time to curl up to my side. It felt right, having him so close and wrapping my arms around him. I wasn't surprised when he went to sleep almost instantly, me not far behind.

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