♡ What I think their sexuality/pronouns are ♡

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Charlie Conway
Charlie is definitely Straight, but questioning. He definitely supports and loves everyone, regardless of their Sexuality.
I definitely think Charlie's pronouns are He/Him. I don't think he'd have any other, but that's just what I think

Adam Banks
Adam is our bisexual king, nobody can tell me he isn't totally gay for Charlie, but straight for any girl that'll actually talk to him.
(Let's admit it, he's awkward as fuck and doesn't really know how to talk to woman)
I 100% think his pronouns are He/Him.

Dean Portman
Straight, but definitely supports because, you know. Bi wife energy. (You'll see 👁👄👁)
And His pronouns are def

Fulton Reed
Y'all CAN'T tell me Fulton isn't our Pansexual K I N G. He just loves everyone. Also I think his pronouns are He/Him, that's just what I'm getting from him. 😭

Ken Wu
Kenny is our Pansexual,
bestie. His pronouns are definitely He/They. 100% giving me Pansexual vibes, I don't know what it is, he just gives me very much Pansexual, He/They vibes.

Dwayne Robertson
Dwayne is the sweetest Heterosexual man you will ever meet in your life. He will learn what every single thing in the LGBTQ+ Community is, just because he wants to be respectful of everyone's Sexuality and Gender identity. He's the most supportive man alive, he's just really sweet in general tbh.
His pronouns are He/Him

Lester Averman
It's givinggggg very muchhh, Straight, He/They. I don't know what it is. But that's what it's giving 😀

Guy Germaine
Bisexual. He/They. That's it.

Luis Mendoza
Closeted Bisexual, with a preference to woman. That's what I'm getting from him, I REALLY don't know why, but that's what I'm getting from him.
His pronouns are 100% He/Him, but obviously he supports all pronouns and sexualities.

Jesse Hall
I don't know why, but I'm getting very much Pansexual, He/Him vibes. I feel like Jesse just loves everyone yet hates everyone at the same time, if that makes any sense-

Julie Gaffney
Julie is our Bisexual W I F E, she has a preference to woman, but still absolutely loves Men. Y'all cannot tell me Julie's pronouns aren't She/They, because yes the fuck they are. If you think her pronouns are NOT She/They, you are absolutely Incorrect

Connie Moreau
Connie is Bisexual with a preference to men. But she still loves woman so much. I can't really see Connie's pronouns being anything other than
She/Her, I don't know why she just kinda gives me that vibe.

Word count: 433

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