♡ How you got back together ♡

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(I'd just like to warn you, that some of these are REALLY fucking long)

Charlie Conway
It had been about a week since Charlie ended things with you. It hasn't been easy for either of you, Charlie is hurting just as much as you, and that's what drove him to going to your house. You were sitting in your room, trying to finish your homework. All you could think about was Charlie, you were completely distracted. It didn't help that you had his hoodie on, ever since he broke up with you, you haven't taken it off. You just can't. Than the sudden sound of knocking on your door pulled you away from your thoughts, "Come in" you called out through your tears. Your mom walked in your room, she looked pretty sad. "Someone's at the door. It's for you" she said, as she turned away from your room and walked down the hall into her own room.
Who would be at the door at this time, for me? You got up and walked out of your room, your heart almost jumping out of your chest when you got to the front door. "Hey Y/n" Charlie greeted from his place in the living room.
"What are you doing here?" You asked, trying not to break down at the sight of him. You guys haven't seen each other at all since the break up. "I couldn't stop thinking about you" he replied truthfully, a few tears sliding down his cheek. "I'm sorry. I thought it would be better if we broke up, but I miss you too much" he sobbed out, completely breaking down. Seeing him like this only made you start crying even harder than you were before. You weren't able to say anything, all you could do was walk up to him and wrap your arms around his torso.  Shoving your face into his chest and crying even more. He tightly wrapped his arms around you, keeping you close to him and pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "I'm so sorry" he mumbled out through his tears.
"It's okay" you finally choked out, pulling your face away from his chest and pressing your lips against his.

Adam Banks
You don't even know how long it had been since you and Adam broke up, all you knew was that you were a mess. The team all tried to comfort you, but nothing made you feel better. You were walking down the hallway towards the cafeteria since it was now lunch time. As soon as you got there your eyes widened in shock, right outside of the cafeteria stood Adam, with the team. You walked forward a few more steps, finally getting noticed by everyone. "Oh Y/n's here" Averman announced, the whole team now turning towards me. You didn't say anything just looked from Charlie to Adam, than back to Charlie again. "We all talked to Adam, and you should too" Charlie insisted, motioning for the rest of the team to follow him inside the cafeteria. They all took the hint and left us alone. "Can we talk somewhere private?" Adam asked quietly, scratching his shoulder. You nodded your head, following him down the hall to the Change room. As soon as Adam shut the door, you leaned against the wall with your arms crossed. Adam moved to stand in front of you being quick to speak first. "I wasn't gonna hit you" he mumbled out. Making your eyes grow wide, "what?" You questioned, confused on how he even knew you thought that.
"Charlie told me everything. I wasn't going to hit you that day, I would never put my hands on you. like that" he whispered that last part under his breath, but you still heard him. What did he mean by that, 'Like that' well there's only one more thing he could have meant, but neither of you have ever brought that up yet. The most you've done is a simple kiss. "I just saw your fists ball up, and assumed the worst. Im sorry" you spoke quietly and softly. "Don't apologize, it's my fault. I started this whole thing" Adam quickly added, looking down at the floor. You stepped forward, away from the wall. You reached your hand up, resting it on Adam's cheek. That made him look up at you. When you looked into his eyes, you saw him looking down at your lips, asking for permission. Which you quickly answered by nodding your head. He leaned forward, very gently pressing his lips to yours. The kiss didn't last long as usual. Since you first started dating, you only really kissed for a couple seconds. When you pulled away from the kiss, you looked right into his eyes as you asked the question that you've been wanting to ask. "What did you mean by 'Like that'?" You asked curiously, staring into his eyes. You watched his face turn red. "You heard that huh?" He sighed out. You nodded your head as a chuckle escaped your lips. "I think you know what I meant" Adam said, staring back into your eyes. You felt your heart start banging against your chest. You did know what he meant, and now that he brought it up you felt butterflies in your stomach at the thought. You leaned forward, letting your lips meet his again. But this time when he went to pull away after a couple seconds, both of your hands grabbed the sides of his face, pulling him right back against you. He didn't kiss back immediately out of shock, but after a couple seconds he started moving his lips in sync with yours. Your hands left his cheeks and wrapped around his neck, while his found your hips, pulling your body right up against his. While you were kissing, you slowly reached your hand up and tangled it in his hair, slightly tugging. Which did it for him. You felt his nails dig into your side. It all happened so quick. In a second your back was pressed against the wall, and Adam's hands were now slowly slipping under your shirt. It was all new to you, but you liked it.
After the heated make out session finished, you talked for about ten more minutes until the bell rang.

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