♡ Dating Fulton Reed ♡

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Dating Fulton would include

-Being best friends with Dean and Kenny, because The Bash Babe needs to be friends with the other Bash Brothers.

-Kenny literally being your bestie, like brother-sister type bestie.

-Him being soft as fuck, like really fucking soft. He looks super intimidating and like he'd kill you, but he's a big softie.

-he's super innocent until he's in the mood, that's when the innocence is completely gone.

-No matter how horny he gets and no matter how bad he wants it, he's all about consent. If you say no, even without saying no, he will stop immediately and just watch a movie with you. He's just happy to be around you, he doesn't need sex.

-If there's a bug in your room, no matter how big it is. Fulton will crush the fuck out of that bug.

-Same as Dean, you guys will use your hockey sticks as fake guitars and just completely rock out to your favourite bands.

-He will fucking crush anyone who bullies you, but if you tell him to stop he will immediately, He doesn't want to scare you.

-He loves cuddling with you, he's the biggest cuddle bug ever. He's really clingy. He just loves your body and always wants it near him.

-He'll take you to the alleyway with him to shoot pucks. He loves having you there with him, just watching as he shoots pucks into the street. He especially loves it when you praise him for it.

-Him completely melting whenever you run your fingers through his hair. He loves when you do that.

-Him letting you wear his bandanas, and his jersey. He doesn't usually let anyone touch them, but he loves it when you wear them.

-He'll ask your best friend what your dram date is and take you on it. Even if it's as cheesy as a long walk on the beach, he'll literally do anything and everything for you.

-Him giving you his hoodie/Jacket if you say that you're cold.

-Literally wouldn't even fucking look at another person. Fulton loves you way too much to do that. You're the only one that has his attention.

Word count: 365

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