♡ Dating Charlie Conway ♡

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Dating Charlie would include

-Cuddling 24/7 you can't tell
me that Charlie isn't clingy as fuck. Because yes he is. He's constantly either laying on top of you while you run your fingers through his hair. Or pulling you to lay on top of him while he squeezes you almost to death.

-Being the only one who's allowed to wear his jersey. If anyone else, even his mom tries to wear his jersey. He will started hollering until they give it back. You're the only one allowed to touch it, and you do. You wear it all the damn time.

-Constantly talking about Hockey to you, even if you don't play and have no idea what he's talking about, he still rants to you about everything.

-Him being entirely too excited when he sees you cheering for him at one of his games. If The Ducks win, after the game he'll find you and run up to you. He'll hug you and when I tell you he will. Not. Let. Go. You will literally have to pull his arms off of you.

-JeAlOuSy JeAlOusYyY. Yeah my guy Charlie is jealous as fuck. He will literally grab your face and kiss you Roughly if he catches ANY guy staring at you, even if it's one of The Ducks. He gets jealous way too easily.

-Being best friends with Adam.
Charlie and Adam are best friends so that means you guys are too 😃

-His mom literally being your mom. You're always at his house, you never wanna leave, and if you don't want to she won't force you. Anytime you ask her if you can sleep over, she says yes. You're always welcome at her house for as long as you want. She's literally the sweetest person ever.

-Skating dates. Charlie will ask you out on a date, and take you to a fucking skating rink. Y'all can't tell me he wouldn't do that, and if you didn't know how to skate, he'd teach you just so that he could take you out on more skating dates.

-both of you doing your homework at the diner his mom works at. The both of you just sit next to each other, helping each other if you're stuck on any of the questions.

-Comforting him whenever he's sad, and him doing the same. It's the cutest yet saddest thing ever- he will literally sit in front of you with his face buried in your shoulder, just sobbing.

-Him protecting you against bullies all the time, he will full on get into a fist fight for you. Even if he loses, which lets face it its 50/50. He'll still be more worried about if you're okay, even if he got beat the fuck up.

-He fucking loves your thighs and your boobs, like when I say he loves them I mean he might love your thighs and boobs even more than Hockey.

Word count: 492

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