♡ Dating Ken Wu ♡

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Dating Ken would include

-Him literally being the sweetest guy ever.

-Lots of hand holding and Hugs.

-I can't really see any sexual stuff going on between you and Ken, until they starts getting corrupted by Dean and Fulton

-Not really that horny, like I'd say probably a 4/10 on the horny scale.

-They love buying you small things to show that they love you. Like a promise ring, a necklace or a frame where you could put a picture of the two of you.

-You are literally his number 1 person, no other living thing on the planet matters to him more then you, except his mother.

-Them teaching you how to figure skate.

-Him listening to you go on and on about something you're passionate about even if he has no fucking clue what you're talking about. Same goes for him, you always listen to what he has to say.

-Him letting you put little ponytails in their hair and letting you paint their nails whatever colour you want. He also lets you put makeup on him, he just loves spending time with you.

-Him stroking your hair and letting you cry into their shoulder Whenever you're sad, and you doing the same for him.

-They can't stand up for you when you're getting picked on or bullied because they get bullied too, and is scared that it'll only get worse because of his size.

-You're taller than him so instead of you wearing his hoodies, he wears yours and honestly you love when they wear your clothes. It's cute.

-Kenny literally being the most wholesome and innocent person ever.

-He always asks before he can touch you (Hugs, hiding kisses, cuddles etc) non sexual though, because Kenny is our adorable innocent little bean.

-They don't really love PDA, but he'll hold your hand or kiss your cheek in public.

-He's always telling you how beautiful/pretty/Handsome you are. Whenever he can. Literally any chance they get he's complimenting you and telling you how much they love you.

-Would never purposely hurt you, and if they did hurt you unintentionally he won't stop apologizing. No matter how much you tell him that it's okay, he doesn't believe you. It may be okay to you, but it's not to them.

-He's really jealous, but not in a toxic way, more of an insecure way. He trusts you he's just really insecure, and sometimes thinks he's not good enough.

-You always have to tell him how much you love him and that he's enough.

-You guys both helping each other out with home work after school.

Word count: 441

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