♡ Dating Jesse Hall ♡

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Dating Jesse includes

-You love watching him play hockey with his friends, in the Schoolyard.

-He's not big on PDA, unless it's some hand holding or hugging.

-He loves when you kiss his neck, and to be honest. We all know he secretly wishes you'll go lower 👀

-He's so clingy once you get home, he never wants to let go of you.

-He always makes sure that you drink enough water that day, eat enough food, and get enough sleep at night.

-If you have a nightmare, he lets you lay on his chest while he runs his fingers through your hair. He won't go to sleep until you do.

-He loves surprising you with flowers and your favourite snack whenever you're having a bad day.

-He will literally start crying whenever you cry, he hates when you're sad.

-When you're on your period, he asks his sister what to do because he has no fucking clue.
(You can't tell me him and Terry don't have an older sister. Yes they fucking do)

-His dad fucking LOVES you, he thinks you're the best thing that's ever happened to his son, and he's right. You saved Jesse.

-You and Jesse both saved each other's lives.

-He loves you more than he loves himself.

-He would never do anything to hurt you, intentionally, and if he did hurt you. Even if he didn't mean it. My guy would start throwing his stuff all around his room. He would be so mad at himself, he'd punch his walls and than just start crying.

-He's the most jealous person ever, if someone looks at you the wrong way, he's getting ready to throw mf hands.

-He hates when you put makeup
on him, but let's you anyways because it makes you really happy.

-He always buys you adorable rings and bracelets from the store. He loves seeing how your face lights up.

-You guys are the same size so you both wear each other's clothes.

-You always have to help him with his math homework, because he doesn't know what's going on most of the time. But come on let's be completely honest here... you don't either. Both of you just end up crying in the corner.

-If you see a bug in your room and ask him to kill it. He will say. Peace Tf out and leave ✌🏼
'Fuck this shit I'm out'

-He loves laying on your chest, while you just read. He doesn't even care if you guys don't talk to each other, neither do you. You just love being with each other.

-You always have to hold him back and convince him not to kill people, when they piss him off.

-His friends (Not the Ducks) are always teasing him for
'Being your bitch' which makes him really fucking mad.

-You and Terry are 4lifers. He's your bestie, that's on period.

-Jesse is always getting jealous of Terry. Than you have to remind Jesse that you love him, not his little brother.

-You're always invited over for family game night. You love his family and he loves yours.

Word count: 521

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