♡ How old were you when you got married ♡

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Charlie Conway
25. Charlie didn't wanna wait to be able to marry you, but you wanted to make sure you could even afford a wedding first.

Adam Banks
20. Since Adam is already very much Rich you were able to get married at such a young age, and you did. Neither of you wanted to wait any longer.

Dean Portman
32. You had children and couldn't really afford a wedding until a little later on. But you did end up getting married eventually.

Fulton Reed
37. Same as Dean, y'all had children

Ken Wu
28. Money wasn't really the problem here, the problem was actually school along with the fact that you had a baby

Dwayne Robertson
39. Money problem, but you guys did get married eventually.

Lester Averman
29. You both chose to wait a little longer until you got married, not cuz of money or children but simply because that's just when you chose to get married 💃

Guy Germaine
19. Mr man didn't wanna wait at all to get married. As soon as you became legal adults he proposed and you got married. He was too in love with you to wait.

Luis Mendoza
23. He didn't wanna wait, but school got in the way and y'all bit decided together that you'd wait until school was over.

Jesse Hall
You never got married, but you did stay together foreverrr.
You guys just never really thought of marriage.

Julie Gaffney
27. No reason, that's just when you/her proposed.

Connie Moreau
30. Same as Julie. That's just when you/her proposed, also babies. You adopted children cuz why the fuq not.

Word count: 275

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