♡ Who said I love you first ♡

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Charlie Conway
He did. He blurted it out after you were congratulating him on winning a game.

Adam Banks
He did. You guess were cuddling, and be thought you were asleep. He whispered it in your ear before kissing you on the forehead. You couldn't help but smile.

Dean Portman
He did. You got into an argument and that's when he said it. He didn't wanna lose you

Fulton Reed
You did. You were watching him shoot pucks in the alleyway. After he shot them all, he ran up to you and kissed you. That's when you said it.

Ken Wu
You did. The two of you were cuddling. They were laying on your chest while you ran your fingers through their hair. After you said it he looked up and smiled before kissing you and saying it back.

Dwayne Robertson
He did. You were at a dance together, and when he dipped you he gave your lips a peck. After that he said it, you were shocked a bit, but happy.

Lester Averman
They did. You guys were just hanging out, when they said it. You through he was joking so you fake-laughed. But than he said he was being serious, and that made you really happy.

Guy Germaine
He did for sure. Honestly I feel like he wouldn't even wait. They would probably tell you that they love you even before you start dating. I feel like he'd be the type of person to tell you that he likes you and act all coupley until finally building up the courage to officially ask you out.

Luis Mendoza
You did 100%. You were at school. Passing notes to each other. Than you got an idea. You wrote the words down on a piece of paper, quickly passing it to him, making sure not to get caught. When he read those words he looked at you, the way you look at someone when you're truly in love. That's the moment when you knew he felt the same.

Jesse Hall
He did. You were in the change room after a game just talking to him. He waited until everyone had left before resting his hands on your hips and pulling you against him. Pressing a kiss to your cheek, mumbling a small
'I love you' you just stood there for a minute, processing what happened before saying it back.

Julie Gaffney
I feel like either of you could have said it first, so you can come up with your own little imagine for what you think happened and who you think said it.

Connie Moreau
She definitely said it first. As soon as you guys started dating she blurted it out.

Word count: 452

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