66 - Roast Brain

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"It's gonna bite me! What if it bites me?!"

At this point no one should be surprised at my dramatic ass. But c'mon! I drive out to the middle of nowhere, down more than a few country backroads to some random ass farm, and when we finally get here a pack of wild dogs assaults and surrounds the van?! I am not planning on dying as puppy chow, thanks!

"Calm your tits! Their tails are wagging," This is Farida, but I notice that she doesn't open her door until Em does, who greets the pack (okay, it's just three) of wildly excited dogs with calm joviality.

"Good boy, good boy!" She says, and then we all finally step out, and I tense when what looks like a goddamned horse rounds the front of my van, barking loudly, the tail a blur behind him.

"N-Nice doggie!" The enormous chocolate lab doesn't jump up, let's me pat the smooth head, and then gets distracted sniffing my pants legs and shoes— probably because I smell like cats. Don't eat me don't eat me don't eat me—

So, where the hell are we?

Like I fucking know!

Driving all the way out to Ardensville and back wasn't good enough, nooooo poor Clarisse ends up chauffeuring her friends to a goddamned party OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF HILLBILLY HICKTOWN NATION!!!

Granted, I was the one invited to the HillBilly Hicktown Nation Party, but, lord knows I wouldn't have come if I hadn't been peer-pressured to beat hell.

To recap:

We drove to a football game. I had an uncomfortably cute occurrence with Sebastian, and was fully looking forward to driving my friends all home and then curling up on Scarlett's bedroom floor and either passing the fuck out or spending a few hours dissecting shit because my brain likes to overthink...but Scarlett answered my cellphone call from my mom, and noticed what I hadn't— I had received two texts:

One, from Abel, at around the time the game had started. One from Sebastian, not three minutes before my mom's phone call.

How did I miss those? I don't fucking know. Maybe it was my subconscious purposefully avoiding things that would stress me the hell out? Perhaps my cellphone is playing tricks on me out of spite since I still haven't put a phone case on the fucker (all three that I've received all are still in my backpack, hidden under old notes and my own fear of decision)? Either way, Scarlett was delighted and I'd wanted to pull over and sprint into the nearest cornfield and get lost and eaten by the Children of The Corn.

Abel's text had said this: Hey, buddy of mine is having a small get together out of town if you want to just hang out

He'd included an address.

Sebastian's text had said this: Party at Josh Studebaker's. Should be pretty laid back. Wanna come? Can bring your friends too... unless you just wanna meet me 😜

Sebastian had also include an address, the SAME address that Abel had.

So while I attempted to drive the van, my face had exploded in near volcanic red embarrassment and the girls all squealed in downright dolphin-levels of annoyingness. Legitly, imagine squealing dolphins and giggling teenagers, don't tell me you won't consider driving off the road!!!

My immediate response had been: FUCK NO. I hate parties, and the fact that BOTH GUYS HAD ASKED ME TO IT MAKES IT WEIRD RIGHT? Right?! They both think I show up because he invited me...but they both invited me...

I'm The Geek Who Slapped A Football Player.Where stories live. Discover now