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"Jerry, have you seen my other dog sock?"

*Jerry ignores me, continues typing on his laptop*

"Jerry. Dude. Just a question, you seen my sock? The cute little one with a grey puppy on the heel."

*Jerry ignores me*

"Jerryyyy!" *waves hand in front of giant moose face, moose face doesn't even blink*

*Sigh* "Well, alright Jerry I guess I'll just look by myself...again. He's been sooooo obsessed talking to his match. Her profile name is Sokanon222..."Sokanon" is apparently an Algonquin name, and she's from Canada. Like, way up northern woods Canada. She seems pretty cool actually, loves swimming and hiking, but she's not online a whole bunch...So that's why Jerry is SO OBSESSED with his computer at the moment, because he refused to leave it to waste any amount of time talking to Sokanon."

*Jerry hasn't heard a word of this, is too busy blushing over his computer now*

"Soooo Jerry, what'd she say now that got you all red faced?"

"Muuurrrr....!!" *Jerry giggles like a nervous teenager.

"Ohhh...yea, she said, 'I love Oreos too!'....apparently which means they're meant for each other to Jerry...Oh boy..."

Thanks for reading! ;)

Chapter 51:

"Aren't you excited about your new phone?" Farida asks me, her black eyes glittering. 

"Well, duh. I mean it's not like I used my old one much but it'll be nice to have something with me in case I get a flat tire or something so I don't die." When I was like 14 I got my phone, and the reason was because my mom is a paranoid psycho lady. She worried that I could get 'separated' from her while shopping, or kidnapped (Because ok Mom, the kidnappers are totally gonna let me use my phone), or lost, or whatever. So I got my crappy Razor, which at the time, but was pretty cool. Now? Not so much but I've never gave a damn about being cool anyhow so fuck it all!

"Ohmygosh Clarisse, but you'll be getting  smartphone!  With internet and apps!" She dances around me, grinning. "You can put your email on there, and Snapchat and Instagram and Faceobook-"

I snort out loud and dig out my Trig folder and throw it into my backpack, then shut my locker. "I've survived this long without social media, I will survive without it after I get a dumb smartphone." Ha! 'Dumb smartphone', that's stupidly funny.

"I knowwwww, but wouldn't it be fun to have Snapchat! I would snap you dailyyy, and if you have Instagram and Facebook you can creep whoever you want!" Farida seems determined to convince to download these stupid apps on my phone, and I almost feel bad shooting her down. Almost.

"Nooooo thank you. I don't like pictures to begin with, what makes you think I'd take my own to send to someone?" Plus, filters, fuck them. I glance around the slowly depopulating hall searching past groups of muttering freshman and a few teachers. Nowhere to be seen all day... I frown and push up the sleeves of my oversized sweater.

And yes, I'm worrying about Abel. Why? I don't have a fucking clue. I mean he'd told me on Saturday that he was going to to talk to me today...and its not like I really really want to or anything I'm just expecting to see him. He told me he'd talk to me on Monday, but there hasn't been a single hint of his presence here. He could be sick...or resting up after, though he had all of Sunday to relax and frankly Justin Habbinger was the one who got his ass completely beat, and I actually saw him today.

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