38 - Ice Cream

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Hello! *gets smashed in the face with laptop*

*Sits back up, hand on bleeding nose* Good aim!

Here's the new chapter! *snurfle* Enjoy! :D

(and pleeease vote and comment! But mostly comment. Reading your comments literally makes my day. You're all freaking hilarious! xD)

(Also, pleeaasssee enjoy the picture :p I figured I'd make a nice little collage of the men in my story!)

Chapter 38 -

I twist the ignition to shut up my crappy red van. She's been chugging a lot recently, and I'm betting its because the old girl's got a shit ton of miles on her. Even if it only takes me about fifteen minutes to get to school and I don't go anywhere (like ever), her last owner - whom I don't know - had apparently used the crap out of this van.

Ugh. Today's been a long day. Bed sounds like a splendid idea.

As I reach for my bookbag in the passenger seat, a daisy falls from my hair. Oh, yea. Those. I shake my head a little and more fall out, and I decide right then and there that I'll just remove them all. Besides, it'll save me the trouble of explaining to my mother why I'd changed my appearance from when she'd seen me this morning! (I can just see and hear it if she'd seen how I'd changed her 'masterpiece': "Why would you change it!? How can you be the Goddess Demeter with so few flowers!?" *cue enraged sniffling like a pouty tween*

After stuffing the flowers into my backpack and kicking open van's door - its lets out a mighty loud squall - I grab the hem of my green toga and shuffle for the steps that lead to the house.

Ah yes, my fucking green toga, I think angrily. This damned thing can go in the damned trash! Or in a fire. Yea, there's a fine idea, just toss it in the back yard with some old newspapers and a few matches and fwoosh. I'll dance around the fire with vengeful laughter.

My mother's lovely idea of giving me a green toga to wear caused me a lot of problems.

1) Sebastian and Abel re-fucking-fused to leave me alone. At all!! After the little photographer - I discovered later that her name is Mallory Walter, and oh ho ho honey, I will find you - had scampered away, I'd had the joy of being escorted to my locker not by one, but two gorgeous idiotic meatheads.

Sebastian, of course, had been in the most fantastic of moods. He'd hopped along beside me, giggling at his own jokes all the way - "Green eggs and ham Psycho, er, PIGLET. Green eggs and fucking ham!" - and had prodded my head with his little red arrow. I smacked him multiple times (he was too quick for me to slap him, dammit) but it didn't deter him at all.

Abel was slightly more sullen. He'd chuckle a teensy bit at some of Sebastian's nonstop stupid talking - "Get some Thousand Island Dressing and we could have ourselves a snack here, Home Skillet." - but was otherwise reeeaaalllyy rocking that whole brooding smexy maybe-I'll-zap-a-city Greek God thing and said very little.

2) My damn toga proved as a leash/handle of sorts for DumbFucks One and Two. Any time I tried to get away from them, they'd just snatch a handful of green fabric and haul me back, laughing. And sometimes it turned into a fucking game of tug o' war! Sebastian once snagged me by the belt and was actually dragging me the opposite way from my damned locker when Abel took hold of the sagging belly of my toga. I had seen the slow burn roiling just under Abel's stoic mask (and what the hell is that about?!), but I can't say if Sebastian did. He'd just stopped pulling, grinned, and said, "So you wanna go for halfsies?"

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