60 - Closure

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Chapter 60 -


I landed face-down into what in the blurry 0.2 seconds my eyes had to process anything was a massive black mass. My body had involuntarily thrown my hands out to catch myself but it did little when I didn't meet anything firm enough for my muscles and bones to react to; I was enveloped into a giant squooshy thing of terror.


I throw my head back and out of the giant fabric thing that Sebastian just pushed me into for a breath of air and an irritated as fuck expletive. "WhuuuhhttttheFUCK!?"

Sebastian, of course, is laughing at me and I turn to glower over him over my backpack. He shuts the door behind him without taking his eyes from me.

What in the fuck is wrong with him- he throws me into his room on a... I finally look at what I've just been chucked into. Please don't be dirty laundry please don't be dirty laundry...a...beanbag? Well holy fuck!! I didn't know they made beanbags this big?!

Its literally the size of a twin bed, no damn joke! Why is it so big? Why did he throw me on it?! "Again, Sebastian, what the fuck?!" I repeat, as I try to get out of this giant smooshy sinkhole.

"I had that shit planned this morning," He replies, casual as can be. He what?!

"Why?!" I say as I finally stand up. What a dick head! Planning to throw me into his room?! What a fucking weirdo!! He's walking backward with the chip bag still in his hands, munching happily.

His happy grin switches to something wicked in a flash. "Oh y'know..."

My face burns up and I have to fight my inner girl brain from squealing over the implied nastiness. Not ok not ok NOT OK NOT OK-- I look away from that stupidly attractive boy-man who is somehow making eating chips hot too...WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME JEEZUS CHRIST!!

I study his room now, and I have to say its...actually really cool. It's long, obviously since its the full length of the three stall garage beneath it. The ceiling is slanted with the roofline, but everything is walled up and painted a plain beige. To my immediate left is small couch, and across from it is a little wood tv stand that looks straight out of a garage sale, with a painfully large and modern flat-screen tv sitting precariously atop it. What I think is an Xbox and maybe a Wii sits inside one of the shelves of the tv stand. Further down the loft is a big dresser with a few football related trophies and Blue Jeans the teddy bear (OK AWWWWWW) lined up nicely. Next to that is a makeshift closet - a pipe is mounted against the slant of the wall that is probably eye-level with Sebastian and his shirts and jackets are hanging from it. Beneath the hanging clothes is a laundry hamper, and beside that is a clothes dresser with an older antique mirror standing a little crookedly beside it.

Across from all that is his bed, made up with grey and red bedding, a triangle patterned quilt laid unceremoniously over the bottom half. Passed his bed it looks like there a desk and desk chair, and beyond that, piled against the wall on either side are totes and boxes, leaving a path to the small, only window.

"Wow this is...pretty cool actually." I can be nice guys...and can admit the truth. This is pretty damn cool. Having this giant ass room all to himself...granted, that last part of the room is basically attic storage but c'mon, he gets like...literally a two-stall garage sized bedroom. Lucky bastard.

"Thankshh!" He says through a mouthful of chips that he's still fucking chowing down on. "Like I said, I jumped at the chance when Cassie didn't want it."

Ah, yes, his sister Cassie...that apparent party animal. "Yea I would have...so she was...a party animal huh?" I can't imagine any other reason to sneak out, right?

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