64 - Dancing Dots

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"Hold on hold on, lemme gooo pleasssee!" I beg as half angrily and half kindly as I can.

I'm being hugged tightly from behind, long, gangly but surprisingly strong arms wrapped around me tight. To say I was shocked as hell was an understatement - but I was also a little relieved.

"I weelll not!" Giggled Mathilde above me. Gosh, one of these days I'm gonna have to ask her how tall she even is... six foot tall? Or taller!?

"And, uh, WHY?!" I demand. God dammit Spider-legs, I'm just trying to get home so I can curl up on the couch with my cats and maybe a cup of apple cider and a nice distracting Disney movie.

"Becauuuzzzeee! You haff not answared my Snaps! You wahnt to come to zee foootbahl game zis Friday, oui?"

"Oh right." I mutter to myself. She'd asked me not long ago if I would drive to the football game this Friday- the email newsletter informed me that is all the way out in Ardensville, which is like, maybe 2 and a half hours away. At the time, I'd agreed because I'd been feeling all dorkily sentimental because she's my friend or something I guess, but now? Do I really want to drive that long to go sit in the cold and watch a sport I don't like? (And see a certain football player that I have an interesting/confusing relationship with right now!?)

"Errrr..." Okay brain, is there an excuse up there? Think of something!! Err, I'll be busy that dayyy um... cleaning my room? Not for all day, Um...oh fuck it I don't have an excuse I'll just fucking go! I sigh aloud, then tilt my head back to meet her bright, sparkling dark eyes, "Yes, I'll go..."

She let's out a loud and excited squeal, squeezing me tightly into the very fuzzy and of course floral patterned sweater she's wearing, exclaiming a mix of English and French words. She tells me we'll have to talk about it over Snapchat as she has to hurry back to her host-parents' home for some reason or another. I give her a smile, tell her sure, and hop in my van.

I find myself turning up the radio on a sweet-voiced and acoustic guitar toned song, something I usually turn change the channel from (I'm much more of a 70s and 80s rock girl, thanks to Dad). But somehow this jaunty little tune grabs me, and I find myself humming along to the chorus I don't know on my way home.


My psych book is open on my purple quilt next to me, but if I'm honest, I haven't touched it or the half-filled worksheet beside it for the better part of an hour. I've allowed the thing that I never thought would happen, happen to me.

My DAMN cellphone is taking over my life.

Okay okay okayyyy. Lemme just explain myself a LITTLE BIT. I was hyper-fucking-focused on my psychology homework...I was reading the chapter that I needed to but...my phone kept going off, and I finally just relented. 

And HOLY HELL. I don't think I've ever had so many messages and snapchats. Five consecutive snaps from Scarlett, the first asking how I'm doing and the other four being adorable as hell videos of her little brother Crim - OKAY OKAY I ADMIT HE'S ADORABLE - giggling at the snapchat filters she'd put on him. Farida send me two snaps, one a 'hey how are ya babe' and another an invite to some snapchat game of Tic Tac Toe...and then I had like three facebook messages from her, each some funny gif or sticker, which then led to us having a gif war for like...half an hour. Mathilde started chatting me on Snap about Friday, so then I of course had to start the conversation about that with both Scarlett and Farida. My cousin Kathryn ALSO snap chatted me, and then proceeded to tag me in photos that had been taken at our cousin Maggie's wedding (just cellphone family pics, not the official pictures, and thankfully these were before our Mom's had their fight...), and so I had to TEXT HER SNEAKY LITTLE ASS BECAUSE WHYYYYY WOULD SHE TAG ME I LOOKED LIKE A FROOFY FRIGHTENED TWIG!!!

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