57 - Done with the Day

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"Clarisse! Hey! Clarisse!"

I turn tiredly around and squint down the hall through my smeary glasses. It's Farida, waving manically at me as she comes sprinting through the lobby, a wide grin on her face and her black hair swinging in a bouncy ponytail.

How the fuck is she so AWAKE? And vibrant? She bounds up the steps to me, all bubbly and excited about something. I, on the other hand, woke up to no alarm clock so I had about fifteen god damned minutes to get ready for school before I flew into the parking lot in my van like a crazy soccer mom. I barely had time to brush my teeth, I didn't shower, I didn't brush my hair, I didn't clean my glasses, my polo is a dingy old purple striped thing with missing buttons, and I'm pretty damn sure I forgot deodorant! And I even forgot a fucking poptart for breakfast!!

So my day has been fan-fucking-tastic and it's only like eight in the morning. Fuck me.

"Hey hey hey!" She squeals at me, literally hopping about like an electrocuted rabbit.

"Hi hi hi," I mutter blearily. God I just wanna go back to fucking beeeeeddd.

"Where is ittt!!!" Farida is wearing a nice warm looking grey sweater and pink skinny jeans. I also forgot a warm jacket or sweatshirt this morning, damn!

Through a yawn I ask, "Where's what?"

"Your phone!!!" Farida starts grabbing at my backpack and I spin a circle trying to keep her from going through it. Don't fucking judge me! My shit is partially organized in there and I wanna keep it that way!

But yes, I did get my phone. Tired of her pestering I produced my sleek smartphone - an older iPhone that is apparently a few models behind everyone else but I don't give a damn! After Abel brought me home (Gah! A weird thing to think!) my dad did little questioning of me but had me stay in the living room. Mom had 8 million questions to ask me but I fielded them by glaring at her until someone else knocked at the door.

Nooo it wasn't Mrs. O'Heimer (my parents told me she just sat on the couch and petted the cats and talked about her family while she was there) but one of my dad's professor friends. My dad has apparently bought my phone from him, and he was supposed to show up in the afternoon. My dad's friend stayed for a few hours (dad brought down some scotch for them to sip while they talked) and I got to setting up my phone (my lock screen is Nibbles chewing on one of my socks)!

"When will you get your case?" Farida asks.

"Case?" I say, confused. "Why?" I don't intend on breaking the damn thing, the fuck do I need a case for?!

Her eyes nearly bugged out of her head. "You need a case Clarisse! These things can break. I've broken the screen on two iPhones already!"

Oh for fucks sake. I make an attempt to swipe it from her but she just holds it easily out of range. "Well give it back then! We can't break it! I just got it!!" I love Farida but she's an energetic heathen sometimes; I can just imagine her dancing with it and then dropping it!! 

She nimbly avoids my attempts and starts walking away with it. As I follow behind, frustrated, I see that she SOMEHOW HAS UNLOCKED MY PHONE!!?

"How the HELL did you do that?" I half screech. Everyone within a 20 foot radius turns to look but I ignore them, mind your own business motherfuckers!! 

Farida chuckles. "Your password is 1234...might wanna work on another one my dear!" It looks like she's downloading something onto my phone and I make another failed attempt to grab it from her, face burning a bright and embarrassed red.

"Th-That was just a temporary password!" Ok, call me an absolute fucking idiot because it was in fact not a temporary password...I didn't plan on anyone else having my damn phone ok!? And I wanted something easy to remember!! Sweet Jeezus can't a girl just live?? "Just give my phone back! What are you even doing?"

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