26 - Singing

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Here it is, chapter 26! Please vote and comment and most importantly ENJOY!! I love you all and greatly appreciate you reading my story! :) Play the song to the right and read on, you'll see where it comes into play....;)

Chapter 26

You have got to be fucking kidding me.

Even though I should normally be in a complete panic right now, it feels like I'm numb. Separate from all of this, an outsider from my own body, someone watching all the drama splattering everywhere. I know that I should be freaking out - and once I'm out of my little mental comatose in a few seconds I probably will - but for some reason I'm indifferent to this mess at the moment. Frankly, I feel like saying, 'Really? Really? Why the hell am I surprised? I shouldn't be. So far everything's that's happened to me has been an entire clusterfuck, so maybe I should just expect the worst.'

And now my little casual mental moment ended.


OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD is going through my brain at full blast and I can scarcely make my mouth form words. I'm pretty sure I look like a choking fish while I try to respond.


I can actually see the whites of Abel's dark and very surprised eyes. And yes. I said Abel. The curly-haired, smexy bodied GreekGod-born hunk of gorgeousness that seems to hate me because his manly cousin wants to kill me. Did I mention he's freakin' hott?

Abel's right hand is still raised, his hand still slightly fisted from knocking on the door. He's staring down at me, unblinking, like I'm the last person in the entire world he'd expect to see. Which is probably exactly what he's thinking, because that's what I'm thinking! What the fuck is he doing here?!

"What..." He starts to say, almost like he's going to voice my thoughts.

He trails off as his eyes leave my face to go over the rest of me. I can feel an immediate blush as I remember that I'm only wearing a pair of short Sofie shorts and a wrinkled lucky charms T-shirt (no worries there's a bra and underwear too!). I notice that his eyes linger a little longer on my bare legs and I'm not sure whether to be flattered or angry.

His dark dark eyes meet mine again and he manages to finish his sentence. "What the hell?"

All I can do is gape at him like an idiot, because I"m still shocked. It's Abel! My eyes keep telling me, but then my brain keeps wondering WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING HERE?! And then it reaches my mouth. "What the hell are you doing here?"

He seems too stunned to be insulted by my rudeness. He points mechanically to his right, the direction of Mrs.O'Heimers house. "My Grandma asked me to come check on..." His eyes make another once over of me and I can feel my face go up a couple more degrees. "...the neighbor girl."

GRANDMA?! "Mrs.O'Heimer's your Grandma?!" I spit back, baffled. No no no no no no no no no no noooo wayyy...

Abel nods absently, the whites of his eyes still very visible, but the initial shock is fading away. He's studying me with what I can only guess is curiosity. I can only just gape at him, still shell-shocked. I mean, his Grandma is my neighbor! My annoying, nosey, cranky neighbor. How? How would I not know this? How many times did he visit his Grandma and I had no idea that a smexy boy was over there?? Good Lord!!

Abel nods, his eyes straying over to the house over there. A fond smile touches his lips. "Yeah. When I got to her place she went rambling on about how she went over to visit the neighbor girl and she fell down into her basement and was too pigheaded to let her call the fire department to get her out."

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