70- Skyscraper

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We were out of Poptarts.

It was a shitty start to my morning, so when I rolled into the parking lot at school and parked my crap van I was already in a sour mood.

My tummy is rumbling irritably, calling out for the usual breakfast I hardly ever skip (we were out of anything that could go in the toaster apart from bread to make actual toast and um, ew) and I'm hurriedly lugging my backpack out of my car when I hear a whiny car engine.

Popping my head out of my car I see a blue sedan car (looks like a Mazda or something maybe) park in the spot behind my van. Alright, whatever, some dude tried and failed to soup up his car and it sounds about as badass as my van, not my problem. But I hear some kind of snarky laughter and turn around again to see Nightmare Face Justin Habbinger and a friend getting out of their car.

Justin is looking at me, still grinning at some joke most likely at my expense. I make sure to give him a disgusted grimace, and then slam my car door shut and march away.

Honestly, what is his fucking deal?? I don't know the guy!! I've done nothing!

Half way through the parking lot, I'd heard laughter AGAIN. Behind me, Nightmare Face and his buddy (another basketball player, judging by the long lengthy frame) were trailing along in my path, both sets of eyes on me.

They're not exactly following so much as just going in the same direction...and I know they're being loud on purpose.

Whatever, fuck them and their attitudes.

Inside the building I head, not to my locker, but toward the lunch room to hopefully grab a poptart from the vending machine! It'll be one of the bland cinnamon ones, but, eh...better than nothing.

There's a short line because apparently no one else planned their breakfasts, and I recognize Graham standing there in a bright red Pirates football shirt. He looks up from his phone to give me a big cheesy grin.

"Clarisse! Mornin'!" He says, eyes alight and excited.

"Hey, Graham," I say to the big dork.

Handsome, happy dork I should say. Sebastian's best friend and an absolute moron, but he's always been so nice to me (and well, almost everyone). He tilts his head at me and gives me a lopsided grin. "I'm Teddyyyy..."

"Oh for the love of—fine! Teddy. Happy?" I give him a half-hearted frown (it's hard to he annoyed with him!) and shift my heavy backpack off my shoulder and at my feet.

"Yep! I've been Teddy forever, only boring teachers call me Graham."

"Boring teachers and me up until you annoyed me enough to just follow along," Is my grumbled response. I peek around his bulk to the two people in front of us, the one person still seeming to decide on snacks. Hurry up!!

Teddy slings an arm around my shoulders in his usual friendly and personal-space-be-damned-way. "That's how I get what I want! Annoy annoy annoy—" He starts to sing the word 'annoy' to the tune of 'If You're Happy and You Know It' and I give him a glare fit to whither a living plant, because dude whyyyy? When I try to step away he tightens his big arm into a light headlock and continues to sing, drawing people's attention that he ignores.

"Teddy how are you so fucking obnoxious this early?!" I hiss.

"Just my nature," He grins, and then I slip my head out of his elbow (he isn't as mean as Sebastian and never squeezes his headlock, god bless the big blue-eyed dolt) and huffing angrily as he continues to sing under his breath. The vending machine line moves a little, and as it does I notice Teddy react oddly to his phone.

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