54 - Sometimes Your Bark has to be Softer than Your Bite

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Hiii!! Sorry I'm slow and also I'm even more sorry for accidentally posting a chapter in here! >.< 

That was a major boo boo by me, and again, I apologize sincerely since you all have to wait for me to get my poop in a group and update! 

And sooooo here is the NEXT CHAPTERRR! 

Chapter 54 - 

"Clarisse honey, come here, just let me-"

"Nooo Mom."

"But I just need to--"

"Noooooo Mom!"

"Could I just pin it back-"

"Mother. No!"

My mom gives me a sulky glower but pulls away the handful of bobby pins she'd been wielding like weapons. "You're so gosh darn stubborn Clarisse!" She mutters at me and then turns back around in the front passenger seat, finally subdued.

Yes, yes I sure as fuck am, and you shouldn't be surprised because God knows I got it from you. I think heatedly. She's been pestering me all day, determined to think that just because I let her  fix my hair up for God/Goddess Day during Homecoming that meant she'd get to do my hair for my cousin's wedding.

Uh no.

Today is my cousin Margaret's wedding, and I can't really decide how I feel about it. Normal me - the crazy, anti social psycho geek - would have refused to even think about going. The thought of having to sit through a service, go to a reception and then deal with an unGodly amount of relatives would have sent me screaming to the hills. But now, I like to think of myself as a little more, shall we say, matuuuree, and considerate of my cousin's special day. 

When I got up this morning I showered, used the mousse that Scarlett gave me, and gently finger combed it after I let it air dry. The mousse kept it from frizzing, but I still even used some hairspray to tame the strays. I keep my make up generally the same except I brushed on some more mascara than usual and stole an old blush from my mom's bathroom (the one downstairs) to tint my cheeks. I had no choice but to wear my purple Homecoming dress and shoes, because I have no other dresses! Or nice outfits really. I probably could have shown up wearing some khakis and a nice navy polo (my go to for presentation days in classes), but now that I have the dress I might as well wear it....and to a frank, I like my dress...

"You should drive a little faster dear-"

"Lola it takes maybe half an hour to get there, we're going to be early as it is!" 

My parents' idle bickering is music to my ears. Even my mother's pestering of me wasn't too terrible, because anything to keep my mind on other things is exactly what I'm fucking after. All day I've been attempting to mentally do Trigonometry problems, going over the history of Queen Boudicca and her rebellion against the Romans, and debating what would happen if I adopted three more cats (my conclusion to that was that I'd become an Adolescent Cat Woman).

Why? Why am I forcing myself to think about 8 million different topics?

Ohhh I'm sure you know why my friends.

Because Sebastian MacCrain kissed me.

The thought sends shivers through out my body and a blush that burns forever. I could hardly think afterward, I only vaguely remember driving to my house through the thoughts whywhywhywhywhywhy and whattheFUCKwhattheFUCKwhattheFUCK. When I got home I just sprinted into my room with hardly a 'hello' to my dad to started pacing around my room like a maniac. It was maybe ten minutes after the pacing had morphed into me curled up under my comforter with my hands over my burning red face - HE FUCKING KISSED ME AND I'VE NEVER BEEN KISSED IN MY LIFE HOW WOULD YOU FUCKING REACT!?! -  that I realized, 'oh shit, I need to tell Scarlett.'

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