50 - Tutor Time

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"Ok Jerry, I think we need to stop."


"Jerry! I'm serious! That is six different profile pictures in one day! Just change it back to the sombrero one like I know you want to! That's the real you, you need to be yourself."

"Muuurr, muurrr!"

"No, the silver-painted antlers do not do justice to your personality."


"Neither does the picture of your balancing eighteen twinkies on your nose, or  the septum piercing with a close-pin! This is a site for other moose Jerry, the girl moose won't be looking for some bull or something."

"Mur mur muuurr! MUR."

"NOOO, I do NOT think bulls are more handsome than you! Where did you get that idea? Now change your profile picture back to your sombrero. Your most recent one makes me uncomfortable, frankly."


"Yes, Jerry, like I said, TEN THOUSAND TIMES, shaving '#1' onto your chest was horrifying and damned unnecessary. You neeeeedd to beeee yourrsellfff!!"

"Muuuur! Mur mur murrrr MUruurrurrr!" *Jerry finally changes back his profile picture to the first one we'd taken, which is him in his sombrero staring somberly off into the distance*

*sighs* "See, now doesn't that feel better-"


*Jerry about breaks his laptop as he freaks out over his computer. His jostling about sent me across the room*


"Holy shit Jerry, you have a match! You're welcome-"

*Jerry proceeds to get up and dance around the bunker, which with its limited space and his near one ton size makes things a little wild in here*

"Okay so-" 

*dodges Jerry's giant ass as he swings by*

"Jerry got a match so he's happy-"

*dodges Jerry's still silver antlers and nearly gets clocked*

"And fuck this I'm going in my room! Enjoy the chapter!"

*Jerry keeps dancing, rocking the bunker back and forth.*

{CHAPTER 50 HOLY SHIT GUYS! Thanks so much for reading and putting up with me! :D}

Chapter 50:

Fuck it looks chilly outsite.

I'm peering outside of the bathroom window while I wait for the water in the shower to warm up. Its a grey, foggy morning that reminds me that yes, it is in fact September, and so shit is gonna be getting frigid out there. Frankly, I don't mind fall - though I'm definitely not one of those 'OMG PUMPKIN SPICE LATTES YAAASS' girls - the shift from warm to cold is always a tough one for me.

Cuddles jumps up onto the window sill, apparently curious to see what I was looking at. I scratch her pretty little calico head. "Not much to see our there kitty...just fog and yuck." Then I pick her up and boot her out of the bathroom, she doesn't need to be in here while I shower!

I take a quick, boiling shower and then book it back into my room, shivering in my black shower robe. It's gonna be cold out and the school will still probably have the AC cranked, I should dig out something warm... Hanging in my closet I drag out a plain lavender sweater I've had since like eighth grade. Still just a bit too long over my hands, a bit too long and baggy, but just perfectly comfortable and warm. Next I drag out some old jeans and find a pair of my favorite fuzzy socks for warmth.  I use the mousse that Scarlett gave me on my hair, hoping it'll keep down the frizz, and then do my simple make up routine - some foundation to cover zits, a bit of mascara, done.

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