48 - Lap Dogs are Scared of Thunder

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"Jerry! Grab your little tart and get back here!"

*Jerry attempts to drag moose dummy but is failing* "Muuurrr!"

"HURRY! They're coming! Look out, oh shit--"


"Oh...Oh my Jerry...Are these roses? And marshmellows holy shit! And is that-"

*Gets clocked in the face*

*Comes up holding giant ass goose egg on forehead and candy bar in the other hand*

"JERRY! HOLY SHIT! It's one of those giant Reese's Cups! Ohmygosh Jerry!"

*Jerry is ignoring me, attempting to flirt with the Moose Decoy by picking up roses from around him to flutter in its face*

"Wow...thank you guys!" 

*Starts eating marshmellows and chocolate*

{So that's basically what all of your support feels like hahahaha, a rain of roses and marshmellows and chocolate candy bars! Thanks again for all of your support and just reading my story. It means the world to me <3]

Chapter 48

"Oh shit Scarlett we were supposed to take a left there my bad."

"Farida! That's three mess ups now!" Scarlett puts on her blinker to pull into some oversized driveway to turn around.

"It's not my fault!" The light from her phone illuminates the pout on her face.

"Uhh, yea it is! You're supposed to be navigator and you're doing a shit job," 

"I just keeping missing the turns!"

"That's because you're too busy texting your maaannnnn," Scarlett sings at her, and Farida just sticks her tongue out at her and then reiterates the direction to the house we're trying to get to.

So here I am, sitting in the back seat of Scarlett's Honda Civic (Her name is Holly, Holly the Honda) going to a party with Scarlett and Farida. Yea yea I know, you're thinking 'WHAT? YOU'RE WHATTT?' and trust me a few hours ago I was thinking that too, but after the dance they'd invited me...and on a sudden whim I'd said...yes.

Ok, so to back up a bit:

The dance was such an absolute mess for me. I danced with THREE different guys (Simon, Sebastian, and Abel) within a few songs of each other. Literally just a few songs. It was all very weird and I'm still trying to process the entire thing.

 Dancing with Simon had been ok, a little fun once he'd gotten used to each other. Dancing with Sebastian and Abel...*shudders*. I don't know how to describe it really. Sebastian dancing with me can easily be explained away as him just being annoying and embarrassing, but he'd been sweet at times (telling me how nice I looked and reminding me that he would willingly bang me *AHHHH*). Also I'd somehow fucking agreed to be his tutor for Trig, and I have nooooo fucking clue how that shits gonna go... Either he'll end up throwing me out a window because he'll be frustrated or I'll end up smashing his brains in with my calculator because I'll be frustrated...

Abel....Oh jeez Abel. He was weird and FLIRTY which I don't understand at all, and determined to think that Sebastian and I have some kind of secret relationship going on (we have a full-on HATE relationship and that shit ain't secret). I don't understand why he would bother asking unless he for some reason cared...He liiiikkkeess youuuuu the stupid fluttery part of my brain whispers and now, after I've had to think about it, I'm almost willing to consider that option. Which is weird. I can't wrap my head around the idea of someone as downright Godlike smexy like Abel would even look at me twice.

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