49- Uhhhhhh-

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"Jerry, I friggin' told you to not eat all those candy bars."


*Jerry is laying on the floor in the bunker, looking a little green around the gills*

"Yea, so Jerry ate all those candy bars and he's sick. Plus I think he's all lovesick over that fake moose ya'll put out for him, and then he found out that is was, in fact, made of couch cushions...So yea..."

"Muurrr. Muuuuuuuuuur."

"Jerry, I don't think that's a good idea-"


"FINE! Whatever, waste your time trying to type with hooves whatever-"

*Jerry successfully logs into a laptop*

"Oh. Cool...I guess. I mean sure, Jerry, I guess you can try but I dunno, I don't want you to get your hopes up, there aren't many Moose dating sites-"

"MUUR!" *Jerry jumps up in excitement and knocks down my chandelier with his antlers*

"JERRY! That was a priceless antique that a reader threw at me- WHAT? Whaddya mean there's a...holy crap. You're not joking. It's legit. 'MarvelousMooseEncounters.com'. Ohmygod."

*Jerry starts rummaging around, looking for his sombrero and a tie*

"Muur! Muuuuurrrururrr!"

"O-Okay...Sure. Let me just go get it...Uh, ok guys, sorry haha, but I guess I'm taking Jerry's picture for his Marvelous Moose Encounters profile...Enjoy the chapter!"

[I seriously love writing these little intros! They're so dorky and fun! Thanks for reading everyone!]

Chapter 49 -

I blearily open my eyes, squinting against the sunlight that's pouring through the pale pink lace curtains in Scarlett's room. Her bedroom is on the top story of the house and faces the east, so I doubt she's ever needed an alarm clock considering the amount of light that gets in here every morning. And her lack of decent curtains! Or blinds! Like shit, its like she wants the sun in her face every freaking day...

I roll over and feel around for my glasses, squinting. My eye sight is pretty bad. I'm near-sighted, and I by near-sighted, I mean shit has to be like right in front of my fucking face for me to see it. Anything beyond like a foot is a blurry blob. I find them resting on the fuzzy blue-grey carpet beside my pile of clothes where I left them. I sit up and put them on, looking around for Scarlett and Farida and finding no one. The bed beside me is empty and the door is closed.


Ok, well thanks for the hospitality, I think a little snarkily but I'm really not tooooo mad honestly. Maybe Farida is still sick in the bathroom or something, I dunno. I push off the thick zebra-print blanket Scarlett had given me to sleep with last night and stand up, stretching and looking for a clock to check the time for. On Scarlett's antique vanity sits an equally aged little silver clock that reads 11:35. Well, I mean I did have a pretty long night, it's a little surprising I didn't sleep in any longer.

Ahh... last night...what weird fucking mess.

I hadn't had to talk to Abel very long to calm him down. Honestly, I don't know if I calmed him down, or just with time he seemed to relax. Either way, he was much better, but still actually very drunk once the energy had drained from him. He was insanely apologetic and morbidly embarrassed about the entire thing, yet I'm still not sure how to feel about it at all. It was frightening, what he did, but obviously not something that happens all the time, or something he plans whatsoever. I eventually got him to stop apologizing long enough for me to tell him to go home, and he'd agreed immediately.

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