59 - 'Hide-From-Anything-Alarming-Pit'

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"Zees, zees was my favoreet." Mathilde says as she swipes to show me the article of clothing only she would look good in: a chunky, green, cable knit sweater cardigan. If I were to wear it, I'd end up looking like a toddler swaddled in her grandma's moldy olive colored afghan, or maybe a hobbit swamped in a moss coat...but Mathilde? Spider-Legs Mathilde with her beautiful long willowy lengthy frame, perfectly voluminous hair, model-worthy looks? I bet its like she's wearing mother earth's very own fucking bathrobe...

"Ah, yea, looks...nice."

Mathilde decided to come over during our break in Economics. Mr. Rebb said he had some stuff to do - maybe had to poop, maybe wanted to go flirt with Ms. Crowe - and left the class to study, which meant everyone is goofing off. She's been showing me the stuff she's just ordered online.

"And ohh, thees, thees are so preetee, tellement parfait!" She squeals as she then shows me a pair of grey boots that have just as much heel as the heels she wore at the coronation. Like she could stab someone with those things, hope she never steps on my damn foot or something...

The day has gone by fast, almost too fast in my cranky opinion. This morning Simon pulled up and parked in the spot right next to my crappy van with another orange, and that phone case he promised he'd give me...it had the Scarlett Johansson version of Black Widow on it with a gun pointed at the viewer, and he'd then launched into a vaguely interesting spiel about the movie Black Widow vs the comic books' Black Widow.

I'd slipped it into my backpack with the other two phone cases and nodded along while a sweat broke out on the back of my neck - WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH 3 PHONE CASES?! They each gave them to me to be nice... - and then waved him off when he attempted to give me a slice of his orange again. I'd scarfed my pop tart down this morning so I hadn't been hungry.

The first few classes went quickly, until English where Mariah sat down beside me looking pouty and miserable. She'd taken out her phone and I could see she was typing out a LOOONNGG ass message in response to a semi large paragraph as well. She must have seen me kind-of-sort-of leaning a little to see if she was texting Abel or not (What? Geeky and unsocial as I can be I like to know stuff, I never fucking know stuff) and she about slammed her phone down to hide it from me. The look she'd given me was pure malice and I made an effort to avoid her when class was over. Definitely not interested in listening to her tell me off for snooping (which I would have deserved hehehe).
After that I was jumpy as hell... I don't know. It must have been intuition. Maybe Mariah texted Nyssa about my snooping or something, but I about jumped out of my skin when I heard a suddden clack clack clack beside me and BOOM there was Nyssa, queen stupid Flabimbo herself.
Her heels put her slightly taller than me - some long black over-the-knee boots that honestly had me thinking of strippers - and she had on a leather jacket with way too many zippers. She didn't look at me, just stared at her phone as we walked.
"So, joining the social world hm?" She'd said to me, all smug. I knew she meant my sudden appearance on all levels of social media so I'd grunted a 'yes' and I'd kept walking.

"I thought you were 'too good' for all of that?"

Her comment had caught me off guard...but struck a nerve. To be frank, I kind of did think that way...I didn't think I needed Facebook or Twitter or Snapchat...I still don't but the realization that I had in fact thought myself above something had silenced me.

I had been able to just feel her superiority soaring so I'd managed to stutter out, "It's for my friends," but the damned FlaBimbo had just laughed at me.

"Aww, sure sure. Whatever you say. It's not like you suddenly think you're cool, or awesome or anything."

I remember that she'd flipped a switch with that comment and I was about to give her more than a piece of my mind but she'd given me a snarky little bitch smile and clack clacked away. What the fuck!? I'd been half tempted to chase after her and slam her stupid little phone on the ground but I'd managed to keep walking...

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