63 - Up, Up and Away!

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Okay Clarisse, BREATHE. Take a breath. BREATHE.

Welp. Shit. Shit damn fuck. Shit damn fuck HELL. I'm here, sitting in Abel Harkin's big old giant black pick up truck, hands gripping the jacket on my lap like a life raft as I'm nearly drowning in a disastrous terrifying sea.

Did I mention that this was the Kissing Sea?

Abel is sitting beside me in the drivers' seat. He clears his throat and the sounds makes me flinch. Oh JEEZUS GET A GRIP YOU PANSY-ASS BITCH!!

Abel is in his seat and it's hard to explain how he's sitting. He looks relaxed - he's leaning back in the seat, head against the head rest, one arm leisurely laid on the door rest, his right arm on the console between us. Like I said, he looks relaxed. But there's an electricity in his muscles that I can somehow feel, a readiness in his form.

Ready for what?! My brain screams.

"Sooo..." He says, looking over at me and my heart just POUNDS POUNDS POUNDS in my chest because HOLY FUCK HE KISSED ME AND IT WAS WILD AND I DON'T KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT IT FUCK ME FUCK FUCK FUCK— "...you um...wanna, go somewhere?"

The implication takes a half second for me grasp, and another second for me the visualize. Then it feels like my stomach drops out of my ass and my heart punched up out of my head.

"No!" I gasp in immediate response. Oh GOD GO WHERE!? AND DO WHAT?! My mind is going a hundred miles an hour and doesn't look like its going to stop. BREATHE DAMMIT WOMAN, BREATHE. He's implicating that we could 'go somewhere' and either continue KISSING - WHICH I ALREADY HAVE TOO LITTLE EXPERIENCE OF - or  'go somewhere' and DO THE NASTY AND OMG BRO I'M NOT INTO THAT --

Okay, so just to recap - ABEL HARKIN KISSED ME. TWICE. In this very truck that we are sitting in now, in the back parking lot of his brother's chiropractic office. And...it was...wild. And terrifying. And exciting. All at once. And I have no idea how to handle this.

I finally pull myself out of my own manic thoughts to glance at Abel. Oh GOD WHY ARE YOU SO ATTRACTIVE?! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?! WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME?! He is looking at me, this very second, and looking at me confusedly. There's a smile on his face but a crinkle in his brows.

"Are you, okay?"

"Uhhhyeah!" I squeak out, eyes now staring down at the jacket I'm gripping in my hands, hands now up and adjusting the glasses on my face...I feel jittery and trembly and altogether confused.

Get your shit together you dumbass! The inner voice shouts, indignant as ever. He's been flirting with you FOREVER, what the fuck did you think would happen?! 

"...Clarisse?" His voice is close and when I look to my left he's leaning over the truck console that separates us. After his second kiss of me, he'd laughed at my dumbstruck face, said a few jokes about 'never leaving a girl that speechless before' and he'd then shut my door and walked around to sit in the drivers' side. Now, his dark eyes are wide and questioning, and he seems to regret having moved away from me because his hand was reaching out toward my arm. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" I say, glancing up at him and feeling my entire face flame even hotter - how that's even possible is beyond me. My face has been aflame almost since the moment he took me from  damned Barker Park! 

He snorts and with the hand he'd already been reaching with he gently starts to brush the bush-like veil of my hair away from my hair. I can't help it but I flinch a little bit, but manage to steel myself - HOLY GOD WOMAN YOU'RE FINE HE'S BEING SWEET AND CARING JUST BE NORMAL FOR ONCE - and peek at him, feeling my heart start to pound crazily in my chest again.

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