Chapter 5

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Lisa's head snapped up and her eyes narrowed at Irene.

"What?" She spat and then looked at me in disgust before looking back at her. "She's just a student in training and you trust her to take care of teams best player?"

I would roll my eyes when she complimented herself, but I was too busy being offended. Sure, I was just training but I've been taking care of the girls on this team since freshman year. Never have I once messed up incorrectly diagnosed someone or incorrectly helped during the rehabilitation process. Lisa and I may not exactly like each other but I expected her to atleast respect my ability as a physical therapist.

I narrowed my eyes at her and was about to bark out a rude remark shen Irene spoke instead. "You insisted she was of more help than me before, so now she's going to do it again."

"She's just a fucking student, she doesn't know anything." Lisa starts to fight but I've had enough.

"She is right here." I snap at her and she finally turns to acknowledge me. "And I am perfectly capable of helping with physical theraphy. From what I've gathered, it looks like you tore your MCL." I say with a single glance at her knee.

"That's about a three week recovery with copious stretched to let your knee adjust while it's healing." Then I smile bitterly and spit.

"But I don't want to help you anyway, since I'm just a student and I don't know anything at all."

When I throw her words back at her, Lisa looks genuinely remorseful. But, as soon as the moment comes, its passes and she's back to scowling at Irene.

"Too bad for the both of you." Irene says with clear malice. "Jennie, I'm officialy assigning you to Lisa to help her with her physical theraphy sessions. I want a progress report written after every session and given to me at the end of each week so I can monitor her recovery. Arasso?"

If Irene wasn't so damb threatening all the time, maybe I would've fought back and told her there is no way in hell I will willingly help Lisa Manoban. By the look Lisa was giving her, I'm sure she wanted to say something along the  same lines. But her sharp glare told me there was no room for arguing. So, I just exhales and nodded my head.

"Yes." I mutter. "I understand."

She nods and take a step back, gesturing to Lisa who still sat on the examination bed. "Well, proceed. See if your MCL assumption was correct."

I nod again slowly and look at Lisa who is clenching her jaw and glaring at me. I narrow my eyes at her and glare back, but have to suck it up and walk over to her. Gently, I put one hand on top of her knee cap and the other underneath on her lower leg. I apply a little pressure and glance up at Lisa to gauge her reaction. I'm sure that she would sugarcoat the pain like all the other players.

"How does that feel?" I ask quietly, my eyes searching her face for any sign of discomfort.

"Fine." She grits out through her teeth.

"Any discomfort?" I ask while pushing a little harder on her knee.

She clenched her eyes shut and groans. "A little."

I stopped pushing and instead placed one hand on the inside of her knee and one on the outside of her lower leg. Gently, I move her knee side to side, twisting it carefully. I feel her leg tense up immediately and Lisa's hands balled into fists so tight that her knuckles were as white as a sheet.

"Fuck." Lisa grunted through gritted teeth.

I let go and turn around to Irene to see her watching me. "I was right. It's her MCL. She's going to have to get an MRI to see how badly it was torn before I can write up a recovery plan."

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