Chapter 24

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The entire school was at the football stadium. Or at least, that's what it felt like. Everyone was buzzing at the prospect of their star quarterback being back on the field, and no one wanted to miss her debut back into the limelight. The second that security started letting people in the stadium, it was bobarded by rowdy college students and townies intent on losing their voice from screaming as loud as possible.

As a part of the pregame tradition, I went to the locker room to listen to Coach speak to the team. I stood near the back behind layers of people and listened his words of encouragement reverberate throughout the circle gathered around Coach Yang. As the girls started getting excited they began shuffling up between the bodies that connected my gaze to Lisa's.

She was already looking at me. Her lips curled up when my gaze met with her and even though it was a split second, time went in slow motion. The lightness that burst in her eyes like a splash in a still pool, so sudden and obvious from across the room took my breath away. The upward curl of her lips didn't help either as she smiled at me softly.

But the moment that seemed to last a lifetime ultimately ended, and I lost my unobstructed view of Lisa's smile. The girls began their pregame ritual of chants.. Lisa lead them, of course... and in the end they were practically jumping around in the locker room and slamming against the metal lockers until they rattled.

As the girls filled out, Lisa stopped beside me and watched the team pass us. "So, are you going to give me a good luck kiss?"

I couldn't help my smile from immediately spreading, although I gave my full effort to try to suppress it. "You seem to want a kiss for everything these days. Goodbye, good luck, where does it end?"

When  finish speaking, I cast a sideways glance in Lisa's direction and see her giving me the same stunning smile as earlier. The look in her eyes only forced my heart to beat faster, and it didn't matter that fully padded players were running past me out the door or that their pump up playlist had suddenly switched on. Everything and everyone was muted.

Except Lisa.

"If they're so limited, then I'd like to actually save mine for when I drop you back at your place after our date." She says in a lower voice, one more filled with emotion and huskiness.

My gaze dropped to her lips which were still caught somewhere between a smile and a smirk, before I forced my eyes back up to meet her. The sexual tension between us was palpable and all I wanted to do was kiss up against these lockers. And right before I almost did, I was brought back to reality.

"Any day, Manoban." Coach Yang says in amusement. "It's time to make your big debut."

The mute was lifted in an instant, and everything was fast paced again. The girls had emptied the locker room to leave only us and some staff members left. My cheeks warmed when Coach Yang spared me a long glance with the beginnings of a smirk, but Lisa grabbed my hand with a wide grin and pulled me out of the room.

Everyone was waiting eagerly in the tunnel to run out with the sounds of fans hooting and hollering in the stands as disruptive background music. Instead of joining the group of boys, Lisa moved me against the wall just out of sight from everyone and pinned my body against it with her own.

Our breaths were moving together as I look up at her with confusion swirling in my eyes, but she just continued to smile down at me. One of her hands move to my waist while the other slowly trails up the side of my body until it reaches my neck and with one last look at her grin, Lisa leans down and kisses me.

My body reacted immediately as I grabbed the front of her jersey to pull her even closer and shifted to my tip-toes to try to match her height. Her tongue caressed mine gently in a more tender yet passionate kiss than I would have ever expected from her. The emotion from her kiss was reflected in her body language as she rubs the exposed skin on my waist with her thumb slowly before moving her hand to the small of my back to draw me closer.

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