Chapter 16

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I had to admit, driving in Lisa's practically brand new car was much better than any alternative way of getting home. But that was about the only positive thing about tha fact that she was coming home with me.

I spent the beginning of the day in shock by myself for lettung Lisa com home with me. I even tried calling her to tell her not to come, but every time I thought we were making progress, she would say, "Arasso, I'll see you later to pick you up."

And now, after a loy of denial and pep talks to myself. I was finally in the passenger seat or her car, letting my stare zone out on the immaculate dashboard. The sound of her door popping open finally tore my gaze away and towards her door, where Lisa appeared balancing two coffees while she opened the door.

"Here you go." She hands me one of the coffees with a slight smile.

I grab it with a silent smile as a thank you, letting my hands curl around the warmth of the cup. For some reason, it reminded me of the warmth of Lisa's hand last night when it was interwined in my own.

"Sorry about the wait." Lisa excuses as she shuts her door. "The woman in front of me was ordering for the entire SNU student body."

"I hope they have a cup carrier large enough for that." I quip back.

Lisa's smile stretches as she gives me a aideways glance. "I think I saw one in the back."

I lift my coffee to my lips and glance out the window as Lisa starts pulling out of the parking lot and once again, get lost in the idea that she was coming home with me. Thanksgiving break wasn't for anothet two weeks, but we had decided to miss a few days of class so I can go home to be with my mom and sister for even a little bit of time.

I had no idea what to expect when I got there. So for this semester, things hadn't been horrible for Jisoo. She had her ups and downs of course, but for the most part she seemed better than last year when the canver had gotteb the best of her. Last year was the hardest year. She was constantly in pain, weak, pale, and upset. She finally had life back in her.

"So did I really see your PT bag in the trunk or was I imagining things?" Lisa questions from the drivers seat.

I glance at her and conjure up a small smile. "You weren't seeing things. We need to keep your routine on track." I explain. "I think you should be okay by the Thanksgiving football game."

And just like that, I see her eyes light up. "Really?"

When I see her eyes light up. My smile widens, but it shortly after becomes forced. What if all this time, Lisa had just shown interest in me because her real passion was on hold? What if everything changes when she starts playing football again?

I gulp to try to push down the newfound lump in my throat and mumble. "Really."

The inexplicable feeling hit me all ay once when the thought entered my mind. Somehow, in the last few weeks I had gotten closer to Lisa than I ever thought possible. Somehow, I no longer hated her but instead wished for her company. She had weaseled her way into my life and made all my perceptions about her completedly chanhe, and I had no idea when it happened.

But now that it had, the mere thought that she had only been kind to me as a mere pastime before she was able to get back on the field crushed me.

I had let her in quicker than I had ever let anyone in before. There was a constant wall between me and everyone else, one that I had built up after years suffering and sadness. It was my very own defense mechanism, one to keep people at bay so I didn't have to be so heartbroken if the left my life the way my father had years ago, or feel so deeply hurt if something had happened to them.

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