Chapter 12

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I let out a deflated breath as I walk out of class. I had been up all night since practice studying for one of my classes and even pulled an all nighter to memorize the entire review packet. And now that I finished my exam, I had to go to the library to write a paper that was due tomorrow. Luckily, the paper was only four pages and for one of my easier classes.

I stop at the base of the building I had just come out and glance around at the crisp Fall day. The colors on the leaves were changing and campus had never looked prettier. After admiring the scenery briefly, I set off for the library. Luckily, my class was only a block or two away from the library building so it took me a short ten minutes walk to get there.

The library was my favorite spot on campus. Even though it was big, it was beautiful. It had been rebuilt fairly recently and the facilities were completely modern. I went to my favorite book on the second floor, in an armchair in front of a window overlooking the quad on campus. After settling at the wood table in fron of me, I heard someone approaching.

"Why am I not surprised to see you here?" A familiar voice laced with humor says.

I turn around and smirk at the sight. "Lisa." I drawl in surprise. "What are you doing at the library?"

Lisa chuckles as she pulls out the chair and sit down. "This may come as a surprise." She says as she places her books down. "But I actually come here to get work done."

I pull out my own notebook and laptop. "You can't get anything done in your room, either?"

"Not at all." She sighs. "I live with football players. They're always playing video games or partying."

I pull up the assignment on my laptop and the outline Ibhad finished in my notes.

"That sucks." I tell her half heartedly as my mind starts wandering to my responsibilities. "But if you're working at the same table with me, then I'm going to need complete silence."

The corner of her lips tug up, but she nods. "Complete silence." She nods thoughtfully. "Got it."

Then she pretends to zip her lips then throw the lock out somewhere on the ground. I smile at her with a satisfied nod, only feeling a little suspicious of her easy cooperation before I start getting down to business.

I'm about five minutes into writing when I hear Lisa click her pen three times. I glance up from my laptop to see if she was doing it on purpose, but her eyes were glued to whatever she was reading in front of her and the pen was just restling in her fingers.

Satisfied, I look back down and continue writing again. But only a moment passes before she starts clicking her pen again. I look up again and see that she's trying to hold a smile away from her lips as her eyes stay glued on the page. I narrow my eyes at her and cautiously look back down to my laptop screen.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Lisa glance up at me and click the pen again. I whip my head up and hiss through clenched teeth.

"Stop doing that."

"My bad." She promises with a cheeky smile. "It's just a twitch. I'll get it under control."

Warily, I nod at her and loock back down at my laptop. Another five minutes of solid writing passes before I start to feel the table moce slightly and feel something moving under the table. I glance under the table to investigate and see Lisa's knee shaking up and down.

"Seriously?" I whine with a sigh.

Lisa just looks up at me with mischief dancing in her eyes as she continued to bite back a smile. "You're talking an awful lot, Jennie." She says seriously. "I need complete silence."

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